
"her own" in Spanish

"her own" in Spanish
her own{adjective}
her own{adjective}
suyo{adj. m}
she took somebody else's umbrella in mistake for her own
se llevó un paraguas ajeno creyendo que era el suyo
I would be interested to know whether she really was speaking on behalf of the committee or only on her own behalf.
Estaría interesada en saber si hablaba en nombre de la Comisión o solamente en el suyo propio.
Instead she used the opportunity to expound a rather theoretical framework on trade which is her own rather than anyone else's.
En cambio, la ponente ha aprovechado la oportunidad para exponer un marco bastante teórico sobre el comercio, que es sobre todo el suyo, más que de ningún otro.

Similar translations for "her own" in Spanish
to herpronoun
Context examples for "her own" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr d'Aboville, each of us has the right to his or her own opinion and judgement.
Señor d ' Aboville, cada uno tiene el derecho a tener opinión y apreciación propia.
In particular, one out of two Italians uses his or her own car to get around.
En particular, uno de cada dos italianos utiliza su propio vehículo para desplazarse.
the mystery of Christ and the Church, they should have her present in their own
de María en el misterio de Cristo y de la Iglesia, el catequista debe
Poland, like the other Member States, cannot deal with Russia on her own.
Polonia, como los demás Estados miembros, no puede lidiar sola con Rusia.
press and television — and that she should be able to count on her own
contar con sus propios recursos en estos campos para realizar el anuncio del
I would remind the Commissioner of her own words in connection with charter companies.
Me gustaría recordar a la Comisaria sus propias palabras acerca de las compañías chárter.
Christ, and drawing on the experience of Pentecost and her own apostolic
experiencia de Pentecostés y de su historia apostólica, proclama desde el
That is not such a bad idea, if everybody considers his or her own country.
No es tan mala idea, si todo el mundo tiene en cuenta su propio país.
I would remind the Commissioner of her own words in connection with charter companies.
Para esto hace falta voluntad política y no nuevos desastres, espero.
I can understand the honourable Member being concerned about her own constituency.
Puedo comprender el interés de su Señoría por su circunscripción.
society and her own good are intimately tied to the good of the family, the
misma está profundamente vinculado al bien de la familia, siente de
nurtures in her own heart a desire for a priestly vocation for her son, and obtains
madre cultiva en el propio corazón por muchos años el deseo de la
old"15, more intent on her own mystery, and because of all that
el propio misterio y, gracias a todo esto, más disponible para la misión de la
I am in full agreement with the conclusions Mrs Thors expressed in her own report.
Me muestro totalmente de acuerdo con las conclusiones que ha extraído la Sra. Thors en su informe.
She has now been arrested again, allegedly for her own safety.
Ahora ha vuelto a ser arrestada, supuestamente para garantizar su propia seguridad.
Today she has become a refugee in her own country for the second time.
Hoy se ha convertido en refugiada en su propio país por segunda vez.
It goes without saying that a woman has a right to her own body.
Huelga decir que una mujer tiene derecho a decidir sobre su propio cuerpo.
Clearly everyone must take his or her own responsibility here and now.
Cada uno, por supuesto, debe asumir su responsabilidad en el momento y en el lugar que esté.
In her report Miss Swiebel expresses her own personal views on human rights.
En su informe, la Sra. Swiebel expresa sus propias opiniones personales sobre los derechos humanos.
linked to his or her own interests, to provide all the forms of care and
vinculadas a sus propios intereses; y se han de prestar todas las