
"his own" in Spanish

"his own" in Spanish
his own{adjective}
his own{adjective}
suyo{adj. m}
Article 13 states that 'Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country'.
Artículo 13: «Toda persona tiene derecho a abandonar su país de residencia, incluido el suyo propio, y el de regresar».
Article 13 states that 'Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country '.
Artículo 13:« Toda persona tiene derecho a abandonar su país de residencia, incluido el suyo propio, y el de regresar».
he was determined to fight his own corner
estaba decidido a defender lo suyo

Similar translations for "his own" in Spanish
Context examples for "his own" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr d'Aboville, each of us has the right to his or her own opinion and judgement.
Señor d ' Aboville, cada uno tiene el derecho a tener opinión y apreciación propia.
In the encounter with Christ, every man discovers the mystery of his own life.(1)
Al encontrar a Cristo, todo hombre descubre el misterio de su propia vida.(1)
Milosevic has no interest whatsoever in the people living in his own country.
Milósevic no se interesa en absoluto nada por las personas que viven en su Estado.
of the Creator and the Saviour, who through them will enlarge and enrich his own
con el amor del Creador y del Salvador, quien por medio de ellos aumenta y
Mr President, I want to support the rapporteur against that attack from his own side.
Señor Presidente, quiero apoyar al ponente contra el ataque de su propio bando.
(DE) Madam President, congratulations to Mr Schmitt on his own-initiative report.
(DE) Señora Presidenta, felicito al señor Schmitt por su informe de propia iniciativa.
It is time to expel this dictator, who oppresses his own people, once and for all.
Ya es hora de expulsar definitivamente a este dictador que oprime a su propio pueblo.
of each one of those who, in proclaiming the one Gospel, appealed to his own
en cierto sentido de la experiencia negativa de quienes, anunciando el único
In particular, one out of two Italians uses his or her own car to get around.
En particular, uno de cada dos italianos utiliza su propio vehículo para desplazarse.
The referendum is about changing the constitution to extend his own period of office.
El referendo tiene que ver con un cambio de la Constitución para ampliar su mandato.
so to speak, enter into him with all his own self, he must "appropriate"
decirlo así, entrar en Él con todo su ser, debe «apropiarse» y asimilar toda la
intelligence and free will, immersed in a mystery which transcends his own being
hombre como persona inteligente y libre, depositaria de un misterio que
I am delighted because Mr Catania rejected his own offspring this evening.
Celebro que el señor Catania haya rechazado él mismo su propuesta esta noche.
The dictator increasingly treats the country as his own private property.
El dictador trata cada vez más al país como si fuera de su propiedad privada.
guides his own sheep and goes in search of those that are lost or are still
ovejas y va en busca de aquellas que están perdidas o se encuentran todavía
Jesus calls you to accept his words and his values into your own
invita a aceptar sus palabras y sus valores dentro de vuestra propia cultura
he has unleashed are in his own hands and that it is up to him to control them
dirigir correctamente las fuerzas que él ha desencadenado , y que pueden
priest a stronger sense of his own human weakness and of the indispensable
consolida en el sacerdote la conciencia de la propia fragilidad humana y del
We know, for example, that he has used chemical weapons on his own people.
Por ejemplo, sabemos que ha empleado armas químicas contra su propio pueblo.
His own-initiative report was conceived two years ago and has just been born.
Su informe de iniciativa propia, concebido hace dos años, acaba de nacer.