
"ITS" in English

"ITS" in English
"ITS" in Spanish
STD{noun} [med.]
its(also: their, her, his, your)
The liberalisation of agricultural trade has its advocates and its opponents.
La liberalización del comercio agrícola tiene sus partidarios y sus detractores.
It is notable for its ambiguities and lack of clear organisation in its sections.
Se caracteriza por sus ambigüedades y falta de organización clara en sus apartados.
This does not conform to the European Union, its principles or its values.
Esto no forma parte de la Unión Europea, ni de sus principios, ni de sus valores.
its(also: his, their)
su{adj.} (posesivo)
Created in 2002, this network saw its workload increase by 22% in 2008.
Dicha red, creada en 2002, vio aumentada su carga de trabajo en un 22 % en 2008.
Now is the time for Europe to defend its land, its civilisation and its traditions.
Es el momento de que Europa defienda su territorio, su civilización y sus tradiciones.
We respect its culture, its background, its history, its religion.
Respetamos su cultura, su tradición, su historia, su religión.
suyo{pron. m} (de ello)
If the European Parliament did not do its work, the Court would do its own.
Si el Parlamento Europeo no hace su trabajo, el Tribunal hará el suyo.
We are not asking Sweden to change its system, but we certainly do not want it to impose its system on us.
No pedimos a Suecia que cambie su sistema, pero no cabe duda alguna de que no queremos que ella nos imponga el suyo.
I hope that the Commission, too, will make our concern its own.
Espero que la Comisión haga suyo también nuestro deseo.
el suyo{pron. m} (de ello)
If the European Parliament did not do its work, the Court would do its own.
Si el Parlamento Europeo no hace su trabajo, el Tribunal hará el suyo.
Parliament has done its bit. It is now up to the other institutions to do theirs.
El Parlamento ha recorrido su camino, a las demás instituciones les corresponde recorrer el suyo.
Many found themselves expulsed to a country that was completely foreign to them and without even knowing its language.
Muchas llegaban a un país que ya no era el suyo y cuyo idioma no conocían.
suya{pron. f} (de ello)
I thought the Council was going to say again that this is not its responsibility.
Pensé que el Consejo iba a decir de nuevo que esto no es responsabilidad suya.
Turkey will not respect our culture, and will try to impose its own on us.
Turquía no respetará nuestra cultura e intentará imponernos la suya propia.
Pilgrim as I am in a nation such as yours, with its rich inheritance both
Peregrino en una Nación como la suya, con la riqueza de una herencia
la suya{pron. f} (de ello)
Turkey will not respect our culture, and will try to impose its own on us.
Turquía no respetará nuestra cultura e intentará imponernos la suya propia.
Pilgrim as I am in a nation such as yours, with its rich inheritance both
Peregrino en una Nación como la suya, con la riqueza de una herencia
Once we have made our decision, the Council is free to take its own.
Una vez hemos tomado nuestra decisión, el Consejo tiene libertad para tomar la suya.
suyos{pron. m pl} (de ello)
Turkey must fulfil its commitments, just as the European Union must fulfil its commitments.
Turquía ha de cumplir sus compromisos, al igual que la Unión Europea ha de cumplir los suyos.
Its troops are there together with our troops.
Nuestros soldados y los suyos están juntos allí.
Washington does not wish to know about the poor, because it does not even deal with its own.
Washington no quiere saber nada de los pobres, ya que ni siquiera se hace cargo de los suyos.
los suyos{pron. m pl} (de ello)
Turkey must fulfil its commitments, just as the European Union must fulfil its commitments.
Turquía ha de cumplir sus compromisos, al igual que la Unión Europea ha de cumplir los suyos.
Its troops are there together with our troops.
Nuestros soldados y los suyos están juntos allí.
Washington does not wish to know about the poor, because it does not even deal with its own.
Washington no quiere saber nada de los pobres, ya que ni siquiera se hace cargo de los suyos.
suyas{pron. f pl} (de ello)
The Commission corrected and modified some of those amendments, and added its own.
La Comisión hizo suyas y corrigió y modificó algunas de esas enmiendas.
I know that the European Parliament will assume its responsibilities.
Sé que el Parlamento asumirá las suyas.
That being the case, Turkey should comply with our conditions and not impose its own.
Dadas las circunstancias, Turquía debería cumplir nuestras condiciones, y no imponer las suyas.
las suyas{pron. f pl} (de ello)
I know that the European Parliament will assume its responsibilities.
Sé que el Parlamento asumirá las suyas.
That being the case, Turkey should comply with our conditions and not impose its own.
Dadas las circunstancias, Turquía debería cumplir nuestras condiciones, y no imponer las suyas.
The Commission presented its proposals last week, and now Parliament is doing the same this week.
La Comisión presentó la semana pasada sus propuestas y el Parlamento presenta ahora las suyas.
lo suyo{pron. m} (de ello)
Each Member State had its own opinion on the matter.
Cada Estado miembro opinaba lo suyo.
Each of these programmes plays its own part in increasing legal security within Europe.
Todos esos problemas contribuyen, cada uno con lo suyo, a que aumente la seguridad judicial en Europa.
I would say to the Council that in future it is important that it works with Parliament rather than going off at a tangent and doing its own thing.
Quisiera decir al Consejo que en el futuro es importante que trabaje con el Parlamento en lugar de salirse por la tangente e ir a lo suyo.
We were aware that not everyone was in agreement with this but pushed it through nonetheless.
Sabíamos que no todos estaban de acuerdo con ello y, a pesar de ello, lo impusimos.
It would, therefore, be absurd for the Union not to be able to allow this.
Por ello, es un verdadero contrasentido de la Unión no acceder a ello.
It is therefore essential to ensure that the public is made aware.
Por ello, es esencial garantizar que el público sea consciente de ello.
ella{pron.} (referido a cosas)
But many are intimidated by it, and many are excluded from it.
Pero muchos se sienten intimidados por ella y muchos están excluidos de ella.
We have to work for it; we have to work even harder for it.
Tenemos que trabajar por ella, tenemos que trabajar aún más duro por ella.
We are committed to it, and we intend to remain committed to it after 13 June as well.
Estamos comprometidos con ella y pretendemos continuar comprometidos con ella también después del 13 de junio.
it(also: you)
Why is it that you now sound so very different from what we remember from the summit?
¿Por qué lo que dice ahora suena tan distinto de lo que recordamos de la cumbre?
It is not possible to resign from the KGB any more than it is from La Cosa Nostra.
No es posible dimitir del KGB más de lo que lo es de la Cosa Nostra.
The financial crisis is even more serious in Europe than it is in the United States.
La crisis financiera es aún más grave en Europa de lo que lo es en los Estados Unidos.
it(also: her, you)
We all have one common cause - passenger security- so let us get on with it.
Todos tenemos una causa común -la seguridad de los pasajeros-, así que luchemos por alcanzarla.
It is the dictates of nature that should control agriculture throughout the EU.
Es la naturaleza la que debe dictar las normas para la actividad agrícola de la UE.
It is about implementation, implementation, implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
En Bosnia y Herzegovina, la clave es la aplicación, la aplicación y la aplicación.
it(also: her, you)
We will give one of the Quaestors a stepladder and ask them to sort it!
Le daremos una escalera a uno de los Cuestores y le pediremos que lo arregle.
We will give one of the Quaestors a stepladder and ask them to sort it!
Le daremos una escalera a uno de los Cuestores y le pediremos que lo arregle.
This policy serves us, it serves Turkey and it serves its people.
Esta política nos sirve a nosotros, le sirve a Turquía, y le sirve a su pueblo.
it(also: that, that one)
it is important "to gain a renewed appreciation of the Spirit as the One
sector, es importante «descubrir al Espíritu como aquel que
I am most grateful to you for doing so, and feel that some good has come from it.
Pienso que, de alguna manera, aquel viaje fue útil.
At that time, it was regarded as unrealistic and dismissed as impossible.
Por aquel entonces, ello fue tachado de poco realista y a todas luces imposible.
it(also: that, that one)
and to the beginning of the third, it becomes fully comprehensible that in this
refieren a aquella antigua espera histórica del Salvador, es plenamente
This amendment was adopted by a majority and we naturally uphold it.
Aquella enmienda obtuvo una mayoría y naturalmente seguimos apoyándola.
In that circumstance, since it was a question of the Apostles and
En aquella circunstancia, tratándose de los Apóstoles

Context examples for "ITS" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
en nombre del Grupo ITS. - (EN) Señora Presidenta, este informe es contradictorio.
on behalf of the ITS Group. - Madam President, this report is a contradiction in terms.
“At the end of the day, with guitar players, it’s all about one thing: how it sounds.
“At the end of the day, with guitar players, it’s all about one thing: how it sounds.
El Grupo ITS también ha propuesto un candidato, el Patriarca Ecuménico de Constantinopla.
The ITS Group had nominated a candidate too, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.
Nosotros, los socialdemócratas, hemos decidido votar en contra de las enmiendas del Grupo ITS.
We Social Democrats have chosen to vote against the ITS Group's amendments.
It’s late and you’re trying to finish up a rush project for work.
Has this happened to you? It’s late and you’re trying to finish up a rush project for work.
It’s also responsible for much of the show ‘look,’” says Davidson.
“It’s also responsible for much of the show ‘look,’” says Davidson.
Green han hablado con gran entusiasmo - Pauline and Gordon- if it´s so important, why the hell you do not join?
Well, Pauline and Gordon, if it's so important, why the hell do you not join?
en nombre del Grupo ITS. - (NL) Señor Presidente, el informe Rocard contiene muchos puntos positivos.
on behalf of the ITS Group. - (NL) Mr President, the Rocard report contains many positive points.
It’s laid out like an analog console… Everything on the console surface itself is totally usable.”
“It’s laid out like an analog console… Everything on the console surface itself is totally usable.”
totem isthebest show ever isaw theshow march 16th anditwas good you got togoandseeit its awesome
Minal Moharir, Tuesday, April 10, 2012 11:44 PM.
presidente del Grupo ITS. - (FR) Señor Presidente, creo que, como presidente de Grupo, no tengo menos derechos que los demás.
Mr President, I believe that, as group chairman, I have just as many rights as the others.
It’s very easy to use, has incredible depth, and will take you any place your imagination would like to go.
“It’s very easy to use, has incredible depth, and will take you any place your imagination would like to go.
It also attempts to highlight the positive effects of such structures in strengthening the nation and its current reconstruction.
It also attempts to highlight the positive effects of such structures in strengthening th
Soon afterwards he accepted the position of Artistic Director for Dralion during its creation and first touring years in North America.
“With this show, we want to throw the public off balance a bit,” he says.
It was subsequently reopened only to people on full tours of the parliament building or with reservations at its rooftop restaurant.
Breezes blowing transversely across the site being another notable aspect of the location.
Vanuatu completed its accession process in 2011.
Vanuatu completed its accession process in 2011.
The EU’s rule of law mission for Iraq, EUJUST LEX, is due to reach the end of its mandate at the end of June 2006.
The EU’s rule of law mission for Iraq, EUJUST LEX, is due to reach the end of its mandate at the end of June 2006.
Por eso comprendemos perfectamente que la mayoría de nuestro grupo no desee apoyar las enmiendas de ITS sobre la inmigración.
So we understand very well that the majority in our group doesn't like to support ITS amendments on migration.
But the appeal of Cirque drew Serge back once again in 1995 to become Artistic Coordinator for the show Alegría, during its runs in North America and Tokyo.
“The key to success as a Creation Director is bringing people together,” he says.
(EN) Señor Presidente, en el punto 13 del acta se indica que un diputado ha cambiado de Grupo político para integrarse en el Grupo ITS.
Mr President, Item 13 of the Minutes refers to a Member changing political group to join the ITS Group.