
"to keep off" in Spanish

"to keep off" in Spanish
evitar{v.t.} [coll.]
to keep off a subject
evitar un tema

Context examples for "to keep off" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is not in our interest to keep on putting off the Kosovo issue to another day.
No nos interesa posponer la cuestión de Kosovo para más adelante.
It is time to put an end to the misuse of procedural mechanisms to keep violations off the table.
Hemos de ser conscientes de todas las cuestiones tratadas en este informe.
So my message on that is to keep your hands off Sellafield.
De modo que mi mensaje al respecto es que dejen de inmiscuirse en Sellafield.
If he is referring to my group, there has been no attempt whatsoever to keep it off the agenda.
Si el diputado se refería a mi Grupo, no ha habido ningún intento de retrasar esa decisión.
That does not of course mean that Europe should keep its hands off health policy.
Con ello, lógicamente, no quiero decir que Europa deba desentenderse totalmente de la política sanitaria.
The Commission and the European Court of Justice would do well to keep their hands off it.
La Comisión y el Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas harían bien en mantenerse al margen.
There must be a willingness there to solve problems rather than keep putting them off.
Debe existir la voluntad política necesaria para resolver los problemas, en lugar de seguir posponiendo una solución.
I voted to keep tobacco off TV screens and to limit alcohol advertising.
He votado a favor de mantener el tabaco fuera de las pantallas de televisión y de limitar la publicidad del alcohol.
It's difficult to keep personal information off the web.
Resulta difícil no incluir información personal en la Web.
We are telling you to keep your hands off this measure.
Les decimos que se abstengan de esta medida.
try to keep the conversation off the subject of money
procura que no se toque el tema del dinero
they keep putting off signing the contract
siguen dándole largas a la firma del contrato
she carried a parasol to keep off the sun
llevaba una sombrilla para protegerse del sol
It is time to put an end to the misuse of procedural mechanisms to keep violations off the table.
Es hora de terminar con el abuso de los mecanismos de procedimiento para mantener las violaciones de los derechos humanos fuera del debate.
I also call you a despot because you keep on cutting me off while I am speaking and say 'no, you will not give me that answer'.
También le he llamado déspota porque sigue interrumpiéndome cuando hablo y digo "no, no me dará esa respuesta".
they keep putting off signing the contract
siguen aplazando la firma del contrato
she could hardly keep herself from nodding off
apenas podía mantenerse despierta
to keep him off milk products for a month
no le dé productos lácteos por un mes
I keep putting off going to the dentist
siempre estoy aplazando ir al dentista
keep your mucky paws off my book!
¡quita esas cochinas manazas de mi libro!