
"ineficazmente" in English

"ineficazmente" in English
ineficaz{adjective masculine/feminine}
ineficaz{adjective masculine/feminine}
Precisamente este enfoque ha resultado ineficaz. Tenemos que reconocerlo.
It is this that has become ineffective today, and it needs to be recognised.
Muchos más recursos se pierden con una administración ineficaz y desmotivada.
Far more resources are lost through an ineffective and unmotivated administration.
Intentar limitar este vehículo no sólo es injusto, también será ineficaz.
Trying to limit this vehicle is not only unjust, it will also prove ineffective.
O bien teníamos una política ineficaz y débil, o bien no teníamos política alguna.
Either we had a weak, ineffectual policy or no policy at all.
Nuestro sistema es autorreferente, ineficaz y constituye, claramente, una herencia de tiempos pasados.
Our system is self-referential, ineffectual and clearly a legacy of previous times.
La Convención bastante ineficaz en su objetivo.
The Convention is fairly ineffectual in its purpose.
El Consejo de Ministros adoptó un reglamento complicado e ineficaz.
The Council has enforced a complicated and inefficient Regulation.
¡Un cuerpo de control europeo que será tan ineficaz como los que ya existen!
A European supervisory body which will be just as inefficient as those we already have!
Todo esto es técnicamente complejo e ineficaz.
It is all technically complex and inefficient.
Es necesario que haya un número razonable de controles, ya que toda legislación es inútil e ineficaz si no se controla su aplicación.
There needs to be a sensible number of checks, as any legislation is futile and ineffective if its implementation is not monitored.
incompetent{adj.} (inept)
inefficacious{adj.} [form.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "ineficaz":