
"estar a cargo" in English

"estar a cargo" in English
estar a cargo{transitive verb}
Al estar a cargo de estas nuevas estrategias, Pierre Claessen tiene que mantenerlas y reforzarlas.
Being in charge of these new strategies, he have to maintain and reinforce them moving forward.
estar a cargo
to be in charge
He sido miembro del Consejo Europeo durante diez años; una vez, cuando fui ministro de exteriores, llegué a estar a cargo de una Presidencia del Consejo austriaca.
I have been a member of the European Council for ten years; once, when I was foreign minister, I was even in charge of an Austrian Council Presidency.
estar a cargo{transitive verb}

Context examples for "estar a cargo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Al estar a cargo de estas nuevas estrategias, Pierre Claessen tiene que mantenerlas y reforzarlas.
Being in charge of these new strategies, he have to maintain and reinforce them moving forward.
estar a cargo
to be in charge
He sido miembro del Consejo Europeo durante diez años; una vez, cuando fui ministro de exteriores, llegué a estar a cargo de una Presidencia del Consejo austriaca.
I have been a member of the European Council for ten years; once, when I was foreign minister, I was even in charge of an Austrian Council Presidency.
Evidentemente, debo decirles a mis amigos socialistas y postcomunistas que no puedo compartir su convicción de que los servicios de navegación aérea deben estar a cargo del sector público.
Of course, I have to tell my socialist and post-communist friends that their belief that air navigation services must be provided by the public sector is one that I cannot go along with.
Y la idea que tenemos en este momento es que la Comisión debe indicar, caso por caso, qué gastos estarán a cargo del presupuesto comunitario y cuáles deben estar a cargo de los Estados participantes.
And our current idea is that the Commission should indicate, case by case, which costs should be borne by the Community budget and which should be borne by the participating States.