
"half-cut" in Spanish

"half-cut" in Spanish
achispado{adj.} [coll.]

Context examples for "half-cut" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If it only makes a cut of half a point, it will disappoint the markets yet again.
Si solo reduce medio punto, los mercados estarán de nuevo decepcionados.
It is said that exhaust gases will be cut by half.
Se dice que las emisiones disminuirán a la mitad.
the journey time has been cut by half
la duración del trayecto se ha reducido a la mitad
Remove the outside leaves and woody parts of the artichokes then cut in half and cook in a frying pan with oil, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper.
Limpiar las alcachofas retirando las hojas externas y las partes leñosas, cortarlas por la mitad y rehogarlas en sartén con aceite, ajo, tomillo, sal y pimienta.
Over the next three to four years, the number of jobs in Europe's textiles sector – currently standing at 2.7 million – will be cut by half.
En los próximos tres o cuatro años, el número de puestos de trabajo del sector textil de Europa, que en la actualidad se sitúa en 2,7 millones, se reducirá a la mitad.