
"food for thought" in Spanish

food for thought
ideas para pensar
food for thought
ideas para reflexionar

Synonyms (English) for "food for thought":
Context examples for "food for thought" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This is a view which will hopefully give Western politicians food for thought.
Espero que esta posición haga reflexionar a los políticos occidentales.
He really has provided much food for thought and, above all, practical commitment.
Realmente, nos ha dado mucha materia de reflexión y, por encima de todo, compromiso práctico.
With its 62 paragraphs and 14 dense pages, it provides much food for thought.
Con sus 62 apartados y la densidad de sus 14 páginas, proporciona mucha materia de reflexión.
Judging by some of them, perhaps not, but it does give us food for thought.
A juzgar por algunos de ellos, quizá no, pero ello nos da que pensar.
I am sure that the future Presidency will find food for thought in it.
Estoy convencido de que la futura Presidencia encontrará aquí materia para reflexionar.
That should also give us food for thought for strategic planning.
Esta consideración debería hacerse extensiva también a la planificación estratégica.
And we cannot deny that the resolutions adopted by this Parliament gave me food for thought.
Y no podemos negar que las resoluciones que se aprobaron en este Parlamento me hicieron pensar.
This is an interesting index which must give us food for thought.
Se trata de un índice interesante que nos debería hacer reflexionar.
What gives me food for thought is that OPEC stands together with the USA on climate policy.
Lo que me da que pensar es que la OPEP se haya alineado con Estados Unidos en la política relativa al clima.
Little Slovenia has got in ahead of great big Poland, and that should be food for thought for us Poles.
La pequeña Eslovenia ha superado a la gran Polonia y eso debería darnos qué pensar a los polacos.
Indeed, it provides food for thought for the European institutions.
De hecho, da que pensar a las instituciones europeas.
I would like to thank you very much, Mr Valverde, you have given us food for thought.
Señor Valverde, quiero felicitarle de nuevo.
There is much food for thought in this report for us to digest.
Hay muchos elementos para la reflexión en este informe.
If you want to refuel nationalism and give food for thought to those nostalgic for the past, do so.
Si se quiere volver a alimentar los nacionalismos y a los nostálgicos del pasado, obremos de este modo.
First of all, these events have given us much food for thought as regards our strategic plans.
En primer lugar, estos acontecimientos nos han dado mucho que pensar acerca de nuestros planes estratégicos.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, Mr Sichrovsky has just given us some food for thought.
Señor Presidente, distinguidos colegas, el Sr. Sichrovski acaba de pronunciar un par de frases dignas de reflexión.
Mr President, Mr Alavanos' question naturally gives us food for thought on a wide range of issues.
Señor Presidente, la pregunta hecha por el Sr. Alexandros Alavanos suscita una reflexión de carácter global.
Mr President, Mr Alavanos ' question naturally gives us food for thought on a wide range of issues.
Señor Presidente, la pregunta hecha por el Sr. Alexandros Alavanos suscita una reflexión de carácter global.
I am sure this report will give food for thought to those Member States that have not signed.
Estoy seguro de que este informe va a dar motivos de reflexión a aquellos Estados miembros que aun no han firmado.
And, to be perfectly honest, even I have to recognise that the White Paper provides some interesting food for thought.
Debo admitir que, a pesar de todo, el Libro Blanco recoge algunas sugerencias interesantes.