
"estérilmente" in English

"estérilmente" in English
estéril{adjective masculine/feminine}
in vain{adv.}
lo han intentado estérilmente pero seguirán luchando por conseguirlo
they have tried in vain but they will go on struggling for it
estéril{adjective masculine/feminine}
Creo que, por lo tanto, hay espacio para una labor armónica de política de cultura y política de competencia, sin crear contraposiciones estériles y artificiosas.
I therefore believe that there is room for a harmonious interaction between cultural policy and competition policy, without creating futile and forced counter-stances.
Pero es un debate estéril y no propongo que entremos en el mismo.
But this is a sterile debate and I do not propose to get into it.
El detenerse a evaluar hoy lo sucedido sería un ejercicio estéril.
To spend time now assessing what happened would be a sterile exercise.
La nuestra no es una batalla religiosa y mucho menos un retorno al nacionalismo estéril.
Ours is not a religious battle and much less a return to sterile nationalism.
Así, del vientre estéril de Sara y del cuerpo
weak, barren, impotent and no longer young. It was from Sarah's barren
Una Iglesia particular se vuelve estéril si no se
A local Church becomes barren if it does
Entonces su mujer se acercó [a los huéspedes] gritando y golpeándose la cara [de asombro], y exclamó: “¡Una vieja estéril [como yo]!
Then his wife came up in great grief, and she struck her face and said, "An old barren woman!
arid{adj.} (life)
infertile{adj.} (land, soil)
infertile{adj.} (woman, man, animal)
unfruitful{adj.} [poet.] (soil, womb)
No ha buscado soluciones o análisis en debates estériles que nada aportan.
It has not sought solutions or analyses in fruitless debates that contribute nothing.
A mi entender, se trata de una pregunta bastante estéril, que sólo remite al Parlamento Europeo de Herodes a Pilatos.
I see this as a rather fruitless line of inquiry. The European Parliament is being shuttled here from pillar to post.
Emprendamos estas necesarias reformas y superemos nuestras estériles divisiones para hacer de Europa un éxito en todos los frentes.
Let us therefore implement these necessary reforms and overcome our fruitless divisions in order to make Europe a success on every front.
Es claramente a esta pregunta a la que ha de responder en el día de hoy, para que este debate no haya sido estéril.
This is the question you must answer today if this debate is not to have been in vain.

Context examples for "estérilmente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
lo han intentado estérilmente pero seguirán luchando por conseguirlo
they have tried in vain but they will go on struggling for it
han sido estérilmente envasados
they have been packed in sterile conditions