
"estar al corriente" in English

to be in the know{vb} (of sth only a few people know)
estar al corriente
to be in the know
Además, se precisan indicadores para estar al corriente de lo que se está haciendo, desarrollar los conocimientos, proyectos piloto, etcétera.
Indicators also need to be selected so as to be able to keep abreast of what is under way in terms of developing know-how, pilot projects etc.
Pero al no estar al corriente del sistema centralizado británico de solicitud de plaza (UCAS), se le pasó el plazo.
Because he didn't know about the centralised university application system there (UCAS), he missed the deadline for applications and had to wait until the following academic year.
estar al corriente
to be on track
Agrega gadgets al escritorio para estar al corriente en todo momento del tiempo, las últimas noticias o cualquier información que quieras tener a mano.
Add gadgets to your desktop to keep track of the weather, the latest headlines, and other information you want to have at your fingertips.

Context examples for "estar al corriente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por lo tanto, debemos estar al corriente de los desarrollos de los Estados Unidos.
We must therefore stay up-to-date with developments in the United States.
Evidentemente, necesitaremos estar al corriente de cómo se ponen en práctica.
Clearly we will need to follow how these are implemented in practice.
No siempre resulta fácil estar al corriente de lo que ocurre en el deporte femenino de alto nivel.
It is sometimes difficult to get up-to-date with what is happening in women's sport at the highest level.
Como ingeniero, debería estar al corriente de ello.
As an engineer you ought actually to be aware of this.
La Comisión debe estar al corriente del problema que supone el trabajo infantil forzoso e ilegal en la industria del cacao.
The Commission must be aware of the problem of forced and illegal child labour in the cocoa industry.
Tenemos que estar al corriente de esas cuestiones.
We need to be aware of these issues.
Conforme a este acuerdo, el Parlamento debería estar al corriente del estado de las negociaciones en el marco Euratom.
Pursuant to this KEDO agreement, Parliament should be kept abreast of the state of affairs within the Euratom negotiations.
La Comisión debe estar al corriente del problema que supone el trabajo infantil forzoso e ilegal en la industria del cacao.
The Commission communication of 13 October 2004, entitled 'Textiles and Clothing after 2005 ', is a key element of this strategy.
Pido a la Comisión que presente una propuesta con el fin de protegerles cuando razonablemente no pueden estar al corriente de ellas.
I would urge the Commission to put forward a proposal to protect them where they cannot reasonably be expected to have known about such irregularities.
Además, se precisan indicadores para estar al corriente de lo que se está haciendo, desarrollar los conocimientos, proyectos piloto, etcétera.
Indicators also need to be selected so as to be able to keep abreast of what is under way in terms of developing know-how, pilot projects etc.
estar al corriente
to be in the know
estar al corriente
to be on track
Agrega gadgets al escritorio para estar al corriente en todo momento del tiempo, las últimas noticias o cualquier información que quieras tener a mano.
Add gadgets to your desktop to keep track of the weather, the latest headlines, and other information you want to have at your fingertips.
Pero al no estar al corriente del sistema centralizado británico de solicitud de plaza (UCAS), se le pasó el plazo.
Because he didn't know about the centralised university application system there (UCAS), he missed the deadline for applications and had to wait until the following academic year.
Las empresas y los consumidores necesitan estar al corriente de los reglamentos aplicables, pero como bien saben, no se trata de algo obligatorio en el marco de la Directiva.
Businesses and consumers need to be aware of the applicable rules. But as you know, this is not mandatory under the directive.
Evidentemente, el Presidente de la Comisión no puede estar al corriente de los cientos y miles de asuntos que tiene que tratar la Comisión en materia de competencia.
Naturally, the President of the Commission cannot keep abreast of the hundreds and thousands of competition issues the Commission has to deal with.
Y por eso deseo rendirles un expresivo, emotivo y sincero homenaje, ya que gracias a ellos hemos podido estar al corriente del desarrollo de los acontecimientos en este país.
I would like to pay a warm and sincere tribute to them for the work they did, because they enabled us to keep constantly abreast of developments in Afghanistan.