
"desfallecido" in English

no desfallezca » (Lc 22, 32). La conversión de Pedro y de sus sucesores se apoya en la oración misma del Redentor, en la cual la Iglesia participa constantemente.
fail" (Lk 22:32). The conversion of Peter and that of his Successors is upheld by the very prayer of the Redeemer, and the Church
Debemos seguir así y no desfallecer a medida que crezcan los problemas ambientales.
We need to continue to do that and not falter as the environmental stakes get higher.
Considero importante que los países candidatos no desfallezcan en sus esfuerzos por integrarse en este sentido.
I consider it important that the candidate countries should not flag in their efforts to integrate in this respect.
Esto dará un impulso muy necesario a las desfallecidas economías rurales.
This will provide a well-needed boost to the flagging rural economies.

Context examples for "desfallecido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
estaba desfallecido de hambre
he was faint with hunger