
"to become sick" in Spanish

"to become sick" in Spanish

Similar translations for "to become sick" in Spanish
Context examples for "to become sick" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The use of a breathing may cause the baby to develop an infection and become sick.
El uso de un tubo para respirar puede causar que el recién nacido contraiga una infección y enferme.
It is not about freedom of choice, because those who become sick have not chosen it at all.
No tiene que ver con la libertad de decisión, porque quienes enferman no han elegido ese resultado.
When relatives become sick or die, it is mainly women and girls who have to take care of their own families.
Cuando los parientes enferman o mueren, son principalmente las mujeres y las chicas quienes tienen que cuidar de sus familias.