
"to become drawn" in Spanish

"to become drawn" in Spanish

Context examples for "to become drawn" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Russia's accusations are groundless, and the matter has become too long and drawn-out.
Las acusaciones de Rusia son infundadas, y el asunto se ha alargado demasiado.
This will certainly be a difficult process but we must not allow it to become too drawn-out.
Seguramente va a ser un proceso difícil, pero no lo debemos convertir en un proceso demasiado largo.
If we do not, it will become a long, drawn-out issue.
Si no es así, se convertirá en una cuestión larga e interminable.
. - (PT) Turkey's EU-membership application has become a long, drawn-out process, the outcome of which still remains to be seen.
El procedimiento de adhesión de Turquía a la UE se ha convertido en un proceso largo cuyo desenlace sigue siendo incierto.