
"empatado" in English

tied{adj.} (drawn)
drawn{adj.} [sports] (game, match)
Hemos ganado doce, empatado cuatro y perdido otros cuatro.
We have won twelve, drawn four and lost four.
con solo empatar se clasifican
they need only to draw to go through
empatar con algn
to draw with sb
No hemos acabado en empate, sino con un compromiso en el que claramente han ganado los intereses de los verdes.
We have ended up not with a draw but with a compromise, in which it is clearly the green interests that have won.
Hay otra posibilidad en la que nadie ha pensado:¿qué sucede si la votación acaba con un empate?
There is one other possibility that nobody has thought of: what happens if there is a tie when we vote?
Hay otra posibilidad en la que nadie ha pensado: ¿qué sucede si la votación acaba con un empate?
There is one other possibility that nobody has thought of: what happens if there is a tie when we vote?
empatar con algn
to tie with sb

Synonyms (Spanish) for "empatar":
Context examples for "empatado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hemos ganado doce, empatado cuatro y perdido otros cuatro.
We have won twelve, drawn four and lost four.
Ah, no, han empatado.
Bayer have equalised.
démoslo por empatado
let's call it quits!