
"admirable" in English

"admirable" in English
admirable{adjective masculine/feminine}
"admirable" in Spanish
admirable{adjective masculine/feminine}
wondrous{adj.} [elev.]
iniciativa admirable del Dios que entró en la historia para unirnos
wondrous initiative of God, who entered history to unite us to himself and
admirable designio de Dios" (Unitatis redintegratio, 4).
wondrous providence of God" (Unitatis redintegratio, 4).
Allí, por un don admirable de Cristo, se convirtió también en Madre de la Iglesia, indicando a todos el camino que conduce al Hijo.
There, by the wondrous gift of Christ, she also became the Mother of the Church, and showed to everyone the way that leads to the Son.
Indiscutiblemente este informe contiene algunas propuestas muy interesantes y, en ocasiones, intenciones admirables.
This report undeniably contains some very valuable suggestions and often laudable intentions.
Ese es el contexto de esta admirable resolución que tenemos sobre la mesa.
That sets the background to this admirable resolution which is before us today.
Sierra González por su admirable informe.
President, I have to compliment Mrs Sierra González on her admirable report.
A pesar del escepticismo inicial, la Convención ha conseguido un compromiso admirable.
Despite initial scepticism, the Convention has managed to strike an admirable compromise.
impressive{adj.} (admirable)
Fue una respuesta rápida y admirable, pero tuvo un precio.
It was a fast and impressive response but it came with a price.
Lo que se ha logrado con el programa Daphne es admirable.
The achievements under the Daphne programme have been impressive.
¡No puede tacharse de admirable, desde luego!
That is not very impressive!
That sets the background to this admirable resolution which is before us today.
Ese es el contexto de esta admirable resolución que tenemos sobre la mesa.
President, I have to compliment Mrs Sierra González on her admirable report.
Sierra González por su admirable informe.
Despite initial scepticism, the Convention has managed to strike an admirable compromise.
A pesar del escepticismo inicial, la Convención ha conseguido un compromiso admirable.
estimable{adj. m/f}
In this sense, the rapporteur's analysis strikes me as being an admirable starting point.
En este sentido, el análisis que en su día realizó el ponente me parece un punto de partida muy estimable.
admirable{adjective} [idiom]
meritorio{adj.} [form.]
Mr President, I would like to sincerely thank Finland's former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Väyrynen, for his admirable work.
Señor Presidente, quisiera agradecer sinceramente al diputado Väyrynen, ex Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Finlandia, su meritorio trabajo.
his behavior is admirable
su comportamiento es digno de admiración
In this respect, the methods proposed by Mrs Mosiek-Urbahn are entirely admirable.
Mosiek-Urbahn es, a ese respecto, absolutamente excelente.
In this report, the Commission too has expressed admirable intentions in the form of fine words.
También la Comisión ha reflejado en este informe unas intenciones excelentes expresadas en bellas palabras.
The offer by the Dutch government to establish the Criminal Tribunal in The Hague is, of course, admirable.
La propuesta del Gobierno neerlandés de establecer el Tribunal Penal en La Haya es, naturalmente, un hecho excelente.

Context examples for "admirable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es admirable lo que la Comisaria Wulf-Mathies está haciendo por Irlanda del Norte.
I admire the way that Commissioner Wulf-Mathies has engaged with Northern Ireland.
Él es el alma de este admirable acontecimiento de comunión eclesial.
It is he who is the soul of this marvellous event of ecclesial communion.
Globalmente, la Dirección General de Competencia ha sido admirable.
Overall, the Directorate-General for Competition has behaved admirably.
Creo que la democracia se practica aquí de forma admirable por sus representantes elegidos por sufragio.
I believe that democracy is borne here admirably by its elected representatives.
Michel, se alzó ante el reto de forma admirable.
But, admirably led by Mr Michel, as has been said, it rose to the challenge.
Un signo admirable del carácter universal de la familia de Dios,
A wonderful sign of the universal character of the family of God, which
"Señor, dueño nuestro, ¡qué admirable es tu nombre en toda la tierra!"
"O Lord, our God, how wonderful is your name in all the earth!"
que de las tinieblas le llamó a su admirable luz (cfr.
prodigious deeds of Him who called them from darkness into his own wonderful
La Comisión ha llevado a cabo una preparación admirable de la llegada del euro y de la Agenda 2000.
This Commission prepared admirably for the euro and for Agenda 2000.
acordes con la admirable sinfonía de las lecturas de la Vigilia pascual.
marvellous symphony of the Readings of the Easter Vigil.
Ambos puntos se han resaltado de manera admirable en el informe.
Both these points are brought out admirably in your report.
Está claro que no estoy cuestionando el admirable trabajo de la misión de observación civil in situ.
I am certainly not questioning the remarkable work of the civilian observer mission on the ground.
Una vez más, los finlandeses se han preparado de manera admirable.
The Finns have once again prepared themselves admirably.
Gracias, señor Ripa di Meana, que ha hecho un esfuerzo de síntesis admirable que esta Presidencia le agradece.
Thank you, Mr Ripa di Meana, for endeavouring to keep your speech short.
Usted conoce personalmente y de forma admirable esas cuestiones.
You are personally well acquainted with these issues.
78 de los 79 estudiantes aprobaron el examen, lo cual es admirable
an impressive 78 out of 79 students passed the exam
Brok es admirable, y no se lo voy a echar en cara. Sé exactamente lo que quería.
MrBrok’s attempt is honourable, and I will not hold it against him either – I know exactly what he wanted.
La mezcla de la política agrícola con la política social puede ser admirable, pero también puede resultar complicada.
Mixing agricultural policy with social policy may be commendable, but it gets complicated.
En efecto, esta ciudad tiene una fuerza admirable, cuya fuente está arraigada en la tradición cristiana.
For in this very city is concealed a wonderful power, whose ultimate source is the Christian tradition.
Es admirable ver con qué tranquilidad y serenidad se ha movido en esta ruidosa barahúnda de los intereses existentes.
It is amazing how calmly and composedly he has cut his way through this jungle of interests.