
"religious order" in Spanish

"religious order" in Spanish
a religious order
una orden religiosa

Synonyms (English) for "religious order":
Context examples for "religious order" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Unlike some others, I am not stirring up the religious argument in order to put off this prospect.
No soy de los que esgrimen el argumento religioso para rechazar esta posibilidad.
Let us transcend our religious differences in order to achieve a more humane world, preferably without violence.
Superemos las diferencias religiosas y creemos un mundo más humano y, si es posible, sin violencia.
a religious order
una orden religiosa
For example, it would remove some of the loopholes by which racists and xenophobes try and exploit religious discrimination in order to cover their racist attitudes.
Serviría por ejemplo para eliminar determinadas lagunas que permiten a racistas y xenófobos utilizar las diferencias religiosas para ocultar sus actitudes racistas.
We should not avoid a debate about Islam in Europe, even if it were to unite all moderate forces, religious or otherwise, in order to isolate and fight extremism and racism.
No debemos eludir el debate sobre el islam en Europa, aunque solo fuera para unir a todas las fuerzas moderadas, religiosas o no, con el objetivo de aislar y combatir el extremismo y el racismo.