
"to push away" in Spanish

"to push away" in Spanish

Context examples for "to push away" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No function is ever more than a button push away from a rotary control, switch, or fader.
Ninguna función requiere nada más que activar un botón y utilizar un mando giratorio, interruptor o fader.
We should bring Ukraine closer to the European Union and not push it further away.
Debemos acercar Ucrania a la UE y no alejarla.
to push away
hacer a un lado
Even if, for the time being, there is no prospect of opening the door to that country's membership of the EU, we must not push it away and not provoke anti-European feeling there.
Incluso si, hasta el momento, no hay perspectivas de que se abran las puertas para la incorporación de ese país a la UE, no debemos descartarlo ni provocar un sentimiento antieuropeo allí.