
"possessions" in Spanish

he cares a lot about material possessions
está muy apegado a los bienes materiales
hacienda{f} (bienes)
My thoughts are with those who have lost their homes and possessions.
Vaya mi recuerdo igualmente para quienes han perdido sus hogares y posesiones.
His possessions were confiscated and he was imprisoned.
Se confiscaron sus posesiones y se le encarceló.
He was subsequently detained under false pretences and his possessions were seized.
Posteriormente, fue detenido y acusado de haber utilizado medios fraudulentos y sus posesiones fueron embargadas.
Since they had sold all their possessions, they returned to much worse circumstances than those they had left behind.
Dado que habían vendido todas sus pertenencias, volvieron para vivir en condiciones mucho peores que antes de marcharse.
We want to come to the assistance of a people which is being brutally suppressed, sometimes to the point of death, and whose possessions are being destroyed, by its own government.
Queremos ayudar a un pueblo que es oprimido masivamente por su Gobierno y, en parte, matado y destruidas todas sus pertenencias.
For the family - and especially for the men of the family - status, credit and honour reside in having a large number of possessions, including female family members.
Para la familia, y especialmente para los hombres de la familia, la condición, el honor y la honra están avalados por una serie de pertenencias, incluidas las mujeres de la familia.
With regard to Kosovo, there is a significant level of possession of physical currency.
Por lo que se refiere a Kosovo, hay una posesión importante de moneda física.
Most people over the age of 60 are in full possession of their mental and physical powers.
La mayoría de ellos están en plena posesión de sus facultades físicas y mentales.
The first of these factors - that is, possession of knowledge - is not a problem today.
El primero de estos factores -es decir, posesión de conocimiento- no es problema hoy en día.
possession and domination do not come into play.
posesión, del dominio.
out without letting himself be hindered by the possession of worldly goods: for
dejarse atar por la posesión de los bienes terrenos, pues existe el
Their health is the most precious possession, and they hold their elected politicians responsible for it.
La salud es para éstos últimos el bien más preciado, y hacen responsables de ella a sus representantes políticos.
As the House will be well aware, even possession of an image of the Dalai Lama is a punishable offence.
Como bien sabe esta Cámara, hasta la simple posesión de una imagen del Dalai Lama es un delito punible.
tenencia{f} [law]
In Europe and North-America too, the possession of weapons is on the increase.
La tenencia de armas aumenta asimismo en Europa y Estados Unidos.
Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons (debate)
Control de la adquisición y tenencia de armas (debate)
Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons (vote)
Control de la adquisición y tenencia de armas (votación)
Women have rights to possess, inherit, vote and divorce.
Las mujeres tienen derecho a poseer bienes, heredar, votar y divorciarse.
The garages need to possess the equipment required to assess the functioning of an engine while it is running.
Los garajes necesitan poseer el equipo requerido para valorar el funcionamiento de un motor mientras está en marcha.
The person who becomes the service administrator for Microsoft Online Services should possess the following basic skills:
El administrador de servicios de Microsoft Online Services debe poseer las siguientes aptitudes básicas:
But do the Member States possess the necessary instruments, in the short term?
Pero ¿tienen los Estados miembros, a corto plazo, los instrumentos necesarios para ello?
Only those who possess such a document are entitled to obtain housing in Moscow.
Esto significa que sólo tienen un derecho a vivir en Moscú los que tienen el documento adecuado.
Women have rights to possess, inherit, vote and divorce.
Las mujeres tienen derecho a poseer bienes, heredar, votar y divorciarse.

Context examples for "possessions" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
My thoughts are with those who have lost their homes and possessions.
Vaya mi recuerdo igualmente para quienes han perdido sus hogares y posesiones.
There are more than 600 displaced persons who have lost their homes and personal possessions.
Hay más de 600 personas desplazadas que han perdido sus hogares y posesiones personales.
Their view is that the government should not interfere in their profits and possessions.
Aducen como argumento que las autoridades no han de entrometerse en sus beneficios y propiedades.
Ninety-five people have been injured, and more than a thousand have lost their homes and possessions.
Los heridos son 95 y más de un millar de personas han perdido su casa y sus propiedades.
He was subsequently detained under false pretences and his possessions were seized.
Posteriormente, fue detenido y acusado de haber utilizado medios fraudulentos y sus posesiones fueron embargadas.
Farmers - men and women alike - fear the loss of their essential material possessions and their jobs.
Las agricultoras y agricultores temen la pérdida de sus fundamentos materiales de vida y sus puestos de trabajo.
His possessions were confiscated and he was imprisoned.
Se confiscaron sus posesiones y se le encarceló.
his possessions were forfeit to the State
sus bienes quedaron a la disposición del estado
Since they had sold all their possessions, they returned to much worse circumstances than those they had left behind.
Dado que habían vendido todas sus pertenencias, volvieron para vivir en condiciones mucho peores que antes de marcharse.
they plundered the possessions of those they had defeated
expoliaron a los vencidos
he cares a lot about material possessions
está muy apegado a los bienes materiales
He is still on the run and none of his or his family's unlawfully seized possessions have ever been returned to him.
Este sigue huyendo y no ha vuelto a saber nada de sus posesiones y de las de su familia que le confiscaron injustificadamente.
If they do not pay, citizens can lose their possessions, their livelihoods, be made bankrupt and even go to jail.
Si no pagan, los ciudadanos corren peligro de perder sus posesiones, su medio de vida, quedar arruinados o incluso ir a la cárcel.
his possessions were forfeit to the State
le fueron confiscados los bienes
they lost their overseas possessions
perdieron las posesiones de ultramar
these are all the possessions she has
estas son todas sus posesiones
he had all his possessions confiscated
fue privado de sus bienes
all his possessions were confiscated
fue privado de sus bienes
The Internet can unite people, but it can also divide them on the basis of ideology, politics, possessions, or religion, if used as an instrument of aggression.
Quiero mencionar la importantísima distinción que hace la señora Mastenbroek entre material ilícito y material nocivo.
Mr Trinh's possessions have still not been returned to him and those who falsely accused him have still not been brought to justice.
Las posesiones del Sr. Trinh aún no le han sido devueltas y todos aquellos que lo acusaron falsamente aún no han sido llevados ante los tribunales.