
"material goods" in Spanish

"material goods" in Spanish
There is no difference between poverty caused by the lack of material goods and poverty caused by a lack of resources for buying goods.
No existe diferencia entre la pobreza causada por la ausencia de bienes materiales y la pobreza causada por la falta de recursos para comprar bienes.
The situation in which he found himself when he lost the material goods should have made him aware of the loss of that dignity.
La situación en que llegó a encontrarse cuando ya había perdido los bienes materiales, le debía hacer consciente, por necesidad, de la pérdida de esa dignidad.
The local population, however, despite suffering from the loss of material goods and of loved ones, is rolling up its sleeves and rebuilding its future.
La población local, sin embargo, a pesar de sufrir la pérdida de bienes materiales y de seres queridos, se está arremangando y reconstruyendo su futuro.

Context examples for "material goods" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
material goods...a sense of true justice...respect for the personal dignity of
sentido de la verdadera justicia, el respeto de la dignidad personal, amor y
The lopsided emphasis on material goods is bound to have a detrimental effect on our society.
Indudablemente, el énfasis en los aspectos materiales de la existencia no redunda en beneficio de nuestra sociedad.
share with them their own material and spiritual goods.
con él los propios bienes materiales y espirituales.
certain provision of material goods, though perhaps never as much as the amount he had squandered.
tanta cantidad como había malgastado. Tales serían las exigencias del orden de
It is from God's own love that Christians learn to help the needy and to share with them their own material and spiritual goods.
Del amor de Dios aprende el cristiano a socorrer al necesitado, compartiendo con él los propios bienes materiales y espirituales.
There is no difference between poverty caused by the lack of material goods and poverty caused by a lack of resources for buying goods.
No existe diferencia entre la pobreza causada por la ausencia de bienes materiales y la pobreza causada por la falta de recursos para comprar bienes.
The situation in which he found himself when he lost the material goods should have made him aware of the loss of that dignity.
La situación en que llegó a encontrarse cuando ya había perdido los bienes materiales, le debía hacer consciente, por necesidad, de la pérdida de esa dignidad.
The local population, however, despite suffering from the loss of material goods and of loved ones, is rolling up its sleeves and rebuilding its future.
La población local, sin embargo, a pesar de sufrir la pérdida de bienes materiales y de seres queridos, se está arremangando y reconstruyendo su futuro.
The local population, however, despite suffering from the loss of material goods and of loved ones, is rolling up its sleeves and rebuilding its future.
Un buen ejemplo de ello es la financiación para zonas que sufren las consecuencias del tsunami asiático, que es una cuestión que ya se ha planteado hoy.
. - As the production of material goods is increasingly mechanised and outsourced, more people in Europe engage their talents in producing cultural goods.
por escrito. - A medida que la producción de bienes se mecaniza y se externaliza, aumenta el número de personas en Europa que se dedican a la producción de bienes culturales.
The inheritance that the son had received from his father was a quantity of material goods, but more important than these goods was his dignity as a son in his father's house.
El patrimonio que aquel tal había recibido de su padre era un recurso de bienes materiales, pero más importante que estos bienes materiales era su dignidad de hijo en la casa paterna.