
"operational headquarters" in Spanish

"operational headquarters" in Spanish

Context examples for "operational headquarters" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
On the operational headquarters: it is not that I have changed my position.
Sobre la sede operativa: no se trata de que haya cambiado mi postura.
I support the idea of an EU Operational Military Headquarters being established.
Apoyo la idea de crear un cuartel general operativo de la UE.
EU Operational Headquarters'.
En realidad va aún más allá y "pide la creación de un cuartel general operativo de la UE".
In particular, I support the idea of an EU Operational Military Headquarters being established.
Concretamente, respaldo la idea de que se establezca una sede militar funcional de la Unión Europea.
Secondly, we are promoting progress in the designation of a general operational headquarters.
En segundo lugar, estamos impulsando el progreso en la designación de cuarteles generales operacionales.
A first step towards this consolidation may be an operational headquarters for the European Union.
Un primer paso hacia esta consolidación podría ser un cuartel general operativo para la Unión Europea.
This maritime operation against piracy is conducted from a European operational headquarters in the United Kingdom.
Esta misión marítima la conduce la sede operativa europea del Reino Unido.
It was decided that operational headquarters would be at S????.
Se decidió que el cuartel general estaría en el SHAPE.
What is more, the report advocates, inter alia, an EU Operational Headquarters and a common market in defence equipment.
Es más, el informe apoya, entre otras cosas, una sede europea funcional y un mercado común de material de defensa.
Labour MEPs voted against the section of text devoted to the creation of a permanent EU Military Operational Headquarters.
Los diputados laboristas votaron contra el pasaje del texto consagrado a la creación de un cuartel general operativo de la UE.
The Deputy Supreme Allied Commander for Europe has been appointed as operation commander, and the European Union operational headquarters will be at S????.
El Vicecomandante Aliado Supremo para Europea ha sido nombrado comandante de la operación y el cuartel general de la Unión Europea estará en el SHAPE.
Setting up a permanent EU operational headquarters, placed alongside the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability, would maximise the benefits of civil-military coordination.
La creación de una sede operativa permanente de la UE, situada junto a la Capacidad Civil de Planificación y Ejecución, maximizaría las ventajas de la coordinación civil y militar.
Are you prepared to bring together the existing units within your service that are working on these questions to make one department which could be called the operational headquarters?
¿Está preparada para aunar las unidades existentes en su servicio que trabajan en estas cuestiones para crear un departamento que se pueda denominar cuartel general operativo?