
"mantenerse unidos" in English

"mantenerse unidos" in English
to hold together{vb} (people)
La Unión Europea se enfrenta ahora a retos importantes que pondrán a prueba no solo su capacidad de contemplar las esperanzas y necesidades de sus ciudadanos, sino su capacidad de mantenerse unidos.
The European Union is now facing major challenges which will test not only its capacity to provide for the hopes and needs of its citizens, but its very capacity to hold together.
to stick together{vb} (support each other)

Context examples for "mantenerse unidos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pueblos que querían mantenerse unidos fueron separados porque los colonizadores se repartieron su territorio.
People who wanted to stay together were split up because the areas they lived in were divided up between colonial occupiers.
Ninguna Presidencia ha tenido el privilegio de ver a los ciudadanos de Europa tomar las calles y mantenerse unidos.
No presidency has been in the privileged position of having the people of Europe take to the streets and standing united.
La lucha contra el terrorismo es dura, pero la ley, tal como la conocemos en la Unión Europea y en Estados Unidos, debe mantenerse.
The fight against terror is tough, but the law, as we in the European Union and the United States know it, must be upheld.
Por esto siempre hemos instado a la UE y a sus Estados miembros a mantenerse unidos en la búsqueda de una solución para el punto muerto en que se encuentra la cuestión de Kosovo.
For this reason we have always appealed to the EU and its Member States to remain united in the search for a solution to the impasse in Kosovo.
Es por ello que es de suma importancia que la comisión parlamentaria y el Parlamento sean capaces de mantenerse unidos y sostener lo que nos propusimos hacer desde el principio.
That is why it is crucial that we as a committee, and as Parliament, are capable of standing together and sticking to what we set out to do all along.
En otras palabras -y acabo, señor Presidente-, los Estados miembros tienen que mantenerse más unidos y vigilantes que nunca para pueda seguir habiendo cooperación con Rusia.
In other words - and I am coming to the end now Mr President - the Member States need to remain more united and vigilant than ever to allow cooperation to continue.
La Unión Europea se enfrenta ahora a retos importantes que pondrán a prueba no solo su capacidad de contemplar las esperanzas y necesidades de sus ciudadanos, sino su capacidad de mantenerse unidos.
The European Union is now facing major challenges which will test not only its capacity to provide for the hopes and needs of its citizens, but its very capacity to hold together.