
"llegar a algo" in English

"llegar a algo" in English
to amount to{vb} (sth)
llegar a algo
to amount to

Context examples for "llegar a algo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
De nuevo, mi enhorabuena y esperemos que podamos llegar a algo concreto.
Once again, my congratulations, and let us hope that something comes of it.
No nos fijemos solamente en todas las desgracias del mundo, sino también en las pruebas positivas de que, juntos, podemos llegar a algo.
Let us not look only at all the misery in the world, but also at the positive proofs that we can achieve something together.
Por eso, precisamente, no hemos podido llegar a algo positivo en Bali pero, sin embargo, nuestra voluntad de llegar a un acuerdo sigue incólume.
This is the very reason we were not able to achieve anything positive in Bali but, nevertheless, our desire to conclude an agreement remains intact.
llegar a algo
to amount to
Por eso, no sorprende que fueran necesarias innumerables propuestas de compromiso para llegar a algo parecido a una opinión común en la comisión.
It is therefore no surprise that it was only through innumerable compromise proposals that it was possible to achieve something like a common view in the committee.