
"joint and several liability" in Spanish

"joint and several liability" in Spanish

Context examples for "joint and several liability" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I can only address the question of joint and several liability.
Sólo puedo abordar la cuestión de la responsabilidad solidaria.
Amendments have been tabled to impose either proportional liability or joint and several liability.
Se han presentado enmiendas para exigir una responsabilidad proporcional o bien una responsabilidad solidaria.
We must avoid any question of joint and several liability, which would shift part of the liability onto other people.
Hay que evitar toda responsabilidad solidaria, que descargaría parte de la responsabilidad en otras personas.
Firstly, joint and several liability.
En primer lugar, la responsabilidad solidaria.
There needs to be a reference to proportional liability, not joint and several liability, which would create a system based on mistrust.
Tiene que haber una referencia a la responsabilidad proporcional, y no solidaria, que crearía un régimen basado en la desconfianza.
Thus, the idea of 'joint and several liability' is crucial for ensuring that companies are responsible for their sub-contractors' practices.
Así, la idea de "responsabilidad solidaria" resulta crucial para garantizar que las empresas son responsables de las prácticas de sus subcontratistas.
Finally, in my opinion, joint and several liability is really needed in order to develop the internal market and afford consumers protection when new products are placed on the market.
El pasado viernes visité el municipio de Blantyre en mi circunscripción para hablar con una alianza de cooperativas de crédito en esa parte de Escocia.
Concerns have been expressed about the fact that the Commission's proposed regime on joint and several liability will lead to a significant reduction of protection in a number of Member States.
Según la propuesta, cualquier práctica que sea engañosa o agresiva cumple automáticamente el criterio de práctica desleal sujeta a la prohibición general.
Amendments 2 and 4 of the report would require the Commission to carry out an evaluation on the functioning of the new cross-border joint and several liability provision.
Las enmiendas 2 y 4 del informe requerirían que la Comisión llevara a cabo una evaluación del funcionamiento de la nueva disposición de responsabilidad transfronteriza conjunta e individual.
Finally, in my opinion, joint and several liability is really needed in order to develop the internal market and afford consumers protection when new products are placed on the market.
Finalmente, en mi opinión, la responsabilidad es realmente necesaria para desarrollar el mercado interior y ofrecerles a los consumidores protección cuando nuevos productos entran en el mercado.