
"empalme" in English

"empalme" in English
La desregulación conlleva un riesgo considerable de que suban las tarifas en regiones despobladas, donde se necesitan unos cables de empalme muy largos.
Deregulation means that there is considerable risk of increased charges in sparsely populated areas, where long connection cables are required.
Se requieren inversiones para mejorar los empalmes fronterizos en el marco del esfuerzo por crear un mercado común y desarrollar el comercio más allá de nuestras fronteras orientales.
Investment is needed to improve border junctions as part of the effort to create a common market and develop trade beyond our Eastern borders.
Quisiera llamar la atención sobre la cuestión del ferrocarril de alta velocidad que conectará París con Madrid a través del corredor de Europa Occidental con su empalme en el País Vasco.
I should like to draw your attention to the issue of the high-speed rail link connecting Paris to Madrid through the western European corridor with its junction in the Basque country.
viga maestra de empalme
wood splice plates
joint{noun} (part that joins)
turnout{noun} [Amer.] (railroad)
bend{noun} [naut.]
splice{noun} [naut.]
viga maestra de empalme
wood splice plates
hard-on{noun} [Amer.] [vulg.]
boner{noun} [Br.] [vulg.]

Context examples for "empalme" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
viga maestra de empalme
wood splice plates