
"guerra preventiva" in English

"guerra preventiva" in English
Y ha adoptado la doctrina norteamericana de la «guerra preventiva».
It adopted the US doctrine of 'preventive war'.
Ha nacido un nuevo concepto, lleno de trágicas consecuencias: el de la guerra preventiva.
A new concept has been born, a concept full of tragic consequences, the concept of preventive war.
La doctrina de una guerra preventiva para proteger intereses vitales de los Estados Unidos es inaceptable.
The doctrine of a preventive war to protect the vital interests of the United States is unacceptable.

Context examples for "guerra preventiva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No a la guerra Una guerra preventiva no deja de ser una guerra.
No to war A war, even that one might be preventive, still remains a war.
En consecuencia, la Unión Europea abrazará el principio de la guerra preventiva.
As a result, the EU will embrace the principle of pre-emptive war.
La guerra preventiva no es de mayor utilidad que el restablecimiento de estructuras autoritarias.
Pre-emptive warfare is no more use than the reintroduction of authoritarian structures.
Por consiguiente, no hay ninguna razón para declarar una guerra preventiva.
There is therefore no reason to instigate a pre-emptive war.
Ha nacido un nuevo concepto, lleno de trágicas consecuencias: el de la guerra preventiva.
A new concept has been born, a concept full of tragic consequences, the concept of preventive war.
Este Parlamento ha condenado por dos veces la guerra preventiva, cosa que me parece una buena señal.
This Parliament has condemned preventative war twice over, which strikes me as being a positive sign.
Anteriormente había propuesto una teoría sobre la guerra preventiva.
He had put forward a theory of pre-emptive war.
Y ha adoptado la doctrina norteamericana de la «guerra preventiva».
It adopted the US doctrine of 'preventive war'.
Los Verdes pedimos una guerra preventiva contra los incendios.
We Greens call for a pre-emptive war against fires.
La doctrina de una guerra preventiva para proteger intereses vitales de los Estados Unidos es inaceptable.
The doctrine of a preventive war to protect the vital interests of the United States is unacceptable.
Es un Gobierno que ha dado un salto atrás en la civilización a favor de la barbarie, con la guerra preventiva.
We are aware that it is the main duty of democracies to combat terrorism and to dismantle its networks.
Señor Presidente, los Verdes estamos muy preocupados porque no existe una guerra preventiva contra los incendios.
Mr President, we Greens are very worried about the fact that there is no pre-emptive war against fires.
.– A principios de 2003, una mayoría de este Parlamento se opuso al plan de una guerra preventiva en Iraq.
At the beginning of 2003, a majority in this Parliament was opposed to the plan for a pre-emptive war in Iraq.
Es un Gobierno que ha dado un salto atrás en la civilización a favor de la barbarie, con la guerra preventiva.
That government has taken a step backwards from civilisation in favour of barbarism, through pre-emptive war.
Como ha demostrado la guerra del Iraq, ninguna mentira es demasiado arriesgada de utilizar para justificar una guerra preventiva.
As the war on Iraq has shown, no lie is too risky for use in justifying a preventative war.
Esta autoridad se ha visto convulsionada en parte por la teoría y la práctica de la guerra preventiva y unilateral.
That authority has been shaken and weakened partly by the theory and practice of preventive and unilateral war.
.– A principios de 2003, una mayoría de este Parlamento se opuso al plan de una guerra preventiva en Iraq.
. At the beginning of 2003, a majority in this Parliament was opposed to the plan for a pre-emptive war in Iraq.
Es una estrategia equivocada, fundamentada en la teoría de la guerra preventiva y la erosión del Estado de Derecho.
It is a mistaken strategy because it is based on the theory of pre-emptive war and on the erosion of the rule of law.
Tampoco hay ninguna referencia a la condena de la guerra preventiva, que es absolutamente contraria al Derecho internacional.
There is also no mention of condemning preventative war, which is completely at odds with international law.
adoptan el dogma de la guerra preventiva,
adopt the dogma of preventive war,