
"police custody" in Spanish

"police custody" in English
The last time they saw him alive he was in police custody.
La última vez que lo vieron vivo estaba bajo custodia policial.

Context examples for "police custody" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There are still strange cases of people committing suicide while in police custody.
Todavía hay extraños suicidios de personas que se encontraban bajo arresto policial.
On 14 March this year, the police took into custody 35 Nigerians, including men, women and children.
El 14 de marzo de este año, la policía detuvo a 35 nigerianos, hombres, mujeres y niños.
The last time they saw him alive he was in police custody.
La última vez que lo vieron vivo estaba bajo custodia policial.
In the last five years, the Indian National Human Rights Commission has recorded more than 14 000 deaths in police and military custody.
En los últimos cinco años, la Comisión Nacional India de Derechos Humanos ha registrado la muerte de más de 14 000 de personas detenidas por la policía o el ejército.
Neither Father Cullen nor his colleague were given adequate medical treatment in police custody and both had to be taken for medical treatment at a later stage.
Ni el Padre Cullen ni su colega recibieron tratamiento médico adecuado mientras estaban detenidos por la policía, y a los dos hubo que administrarles más adelante tratamiento médico.