
"to get cold" in Spanish

"to get cold" in Spanish

Context examples for "to get cold" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They get cold in other parts of Europe when in Ukraine the President and Prime Minister engage in a power struggle.
En otras partes de Europa se enfrían cuando en Ucrania el Presidente y el Primer Ministro participan en una lucha de poder.
to get cold feet
echarse para atrás en el último momento
We must have viable and diverse energy sources quickly, with a wide range of supply arrangements and networks of conveyance, and time is of the essence: our bedrooms could get cold at any time.
¿Qué tipo de mecanismos de solidaridad cabría establecer y se ocupa el próximo Libro Verde de la cuestión de la crisis energética?