
"gated" in Spanish

gate(also: door, gateway, fly)
The closed Brandenburg Gate stood as a symbol of separation.
La Puerta de Brandemburgo cerrada era un símbolo de separación.
We recall the anthem being played at the Brandenburg Gate.
Recordamos el himno que sonó en la Puerta de Brandemburgo.
Now, people could rightly say that the Brandenburg Gate had become the gate of freedom.
Así, la gente pudo decir atinadamente que la Puerta de Brandemburgo se había convertido en la puerta de la libertad.
. - Madam President, the Black Sea is a gate to and from Europe, and therefore it should be addressed as such.
. - Señora Presidenta, el Mar Negro es una puerta de entrada y salida a Europa, y por tanto, debe tratarse como tal.
If, on the other hand, these substances are sold at the school gates, then even though the attraction of what is forbidden will disappear, the rise in consumption will be unstoppable.
Por el contrario, si se vende este producto a la salida de los colegios, aun sin el atractivo de lo prohibido, su consumo aumentará de forma inevitable.
torna{f} (en un cauce)
On 22 December 2007, I helped to chop down the border gate on the Slovak-Hungarian border.
El 22 de diciembre de 2007, ayudé a derribar la verja fronteriza entre Eslovaquia y Hungría.
the horse jumped over the gate
el caballo saltó la verja
the gate clanged shut
la verja se cerró con gran estruendo
cancela{f} [Spa.]
portón{m} [S. Cone]
tranquera{f} [LAm.]
The Libyan gate mainly affects Malta and Italy.
La entrada libia afecta a Malta y a Italia.
. - Madam President, the Black Sea is a gate to and from Europe, and therefore it should be addressed as such.
. - Señora Presidenta, el Mar Negro es una puerta de entrada y salida a Europa, y por tanto, debe tratarse como tal.
gate number five
puerta de embarque número cinco
departure gate
puerta de embarque
You see, if a passenger is denied boarding or a flight is cancelled, we want the compensation to be paid at the gate.
Si a un pasajero se le deniega el embarque o si se anula un vuelo, queremos que la indemnización se pague en la puerta de embarque.
Secondly, we need to recognise that there is little or no direct relationship between the price in the retail sector and the raw material price received at the farm gate.
En segundo lugar, debemos reconocer que la relación directa entre el precio de venta al público y el precio que obtiene el granjero es ínfima o del todo inexistente.
gate(also: deposit)
entrada{f} [Spa.]
The Libyan gate mainly affects Malta and Italy.
La entrada libia afecta a Malta y a Italia.
. - Madam President, the Black Sea is a gate to and from Europe, and therefore it should be addressed as such.
. - Señora Presidenta, el Mar Negro es una puerta de entrada y salida a Europa, y por tanto, debe tratarse como tal.
gate(also: pass, sound)
paso{m} [geogr.]
puerto{m} [geogr.]

Synonyms (English) for "gate":
Context examples for "gated" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he was gated for a week
le prohibieron salir por una semana