
"escamoteo" in English


Synonyms (Spanish) for "escamoteo":
Context examples for "escamoteo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Practicando esta política de escamoteo estamos prestando un mal servicio a Europa y a sus ciudadanos.
If we conduct our politics so secretively, we shall be doing Europe and its people a disservice.
Estos diputados no han podido intervenir, por lo que deseaba expresar mi sorpresa, señora Presidenta, frente a este escamoteo.
They were unable to do this, and I would like, Madam President, to express my amazement and surprise at this omission.
Hemos publicado nuestro contrainforme sobre el Tratado de Niza para intentar que el debate francés escape a este escamoteo.
We published our alternative report on the Treaty of Nice to try to make sure that the debate in France avoids this legerdemain.
Oh sí, empieza bien, esa Europa suya, más democrática, más transparente, más próxima de los ciudadanos: con un escamoteo.
Oh, yes, this Europe of yours, more democratic, more transparent, closer to its citizens, is off to a good start – with a cover-up.
Hablo de escamoteo, de mala fe y diría incluso que me ha recordado un poco a Vichinsky hablando ante el Parlamento soviético.
Furthermore, the fact that this was drawn up and signed by minorities known for being anti-Europeanist quite clearly exposes this intention.
Hablo de escamoteo, de mala fe y diría incluso que me ha recordado un poco a Vichinsky hablando ante el Parlamento soviético.
I am talking about dodging the truth, about dishonesty, and I would even say that you reminded me somewhat of Vichinsky pleading before the Soviet Parliament.
Es necesario poner fin a este escamoteo continuo y desastroso de las democracias nacionales rehabilitando al Consejo y dando derecho de veto a los parlamentos nacionales.
We must stop this constant, disastrous evasion of national democracies by returning power to the Council and granting national parliaments the right of veto.