
"eminentemente" in English

"eminentemente" in English
eminente{adjective masculine/feminine}
Señorías, la integración europea es un asunto eminentemente político.
Ladies and gentlemen, European integration is an eminently political affair.
Los informes relativos a las aduanas son eminentemente técnicos y complejos.
The reports concerning customs are eminently technical and complicated.
El del Parlamento, como órgano eminentemente político de la Unión, ha de ser otro.
Parliament’s role, as an eminently political body of the Union, has to be different.
Pese a que el sistema de pensiones es una cuestión de competencia eminentemente nacional, la dirección que están tomando los debates sobre este punto en Europa sigue siendo importante.
Although the pension system is a matter that essentially falls within the scope of national competence, the direction that debates take on these issues in Europe is still important.
eminente{adjective masculine/feminine}
La Política Agrícola Común aspira a esta posición política eminente.
It is to this eminent political position that the common agricultural policy aspires.
una forma de caridad eminente hacia las almas" » (Juan Pablo II,
saving teaching of Christ constitutes an eminent form of charity for souls'"
Adali, eminente periodista e intelectual turco.
It was shocked by the murder of Mr Adali, an eminent Turkish intellectual and journalist.

Context examples for "eminentemente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La decisión de conceder la condición de candidato a Montenegro fue eminentemente política.
The decision to grant candidate status to Montenegro was primarily political.
En mi opinión, esta cuestión eminentemente gira en torno a sopesar los beneficios.
For me, this question is all about weighing up the benefits.
Pero detrás de esta apariencia técnica, la comitología tiene implicaciones eminentemente políticas.
However, behind this technical façade, comitology has clearly political implications.
Este contencioso se está volviendo eminentemente teórico porque los peces están verdaderamente desapareciendo.
That argument is becoming academic because the fish have effectively disappeared.
por una espiritualidad de raíz eminentemente cristiana.
by a spirituality the roots of which are outstandingly evangelical.
La medida propuesta reviste carácter eminentemente preventivo.
The proposed measure has a strongly preventive character.
Es necesario evitar que el Tribunal se convierta en un asunto eminentemente europeo.
The court should not become too European.
Este debate interviene en condiciones eminentemente discutibles, ya tuve la oportunidad de decirlo el lunes.
This debate is taking place under extremely dubious conditions, as I had occasion to say on Monday.
Mi pregunta no es igual, porque la formulo en clave europea y con ánimo eminentemente constructivo.
My question is not the same, because I put it in a European key and with an extremely constructive intention.
Cunha por su trabajo a este respecto, eminentemente delicado y difícil.
I would like to congratulate Mr Cunha for his work on this inordinately sensitive and difficult subject.
Se trata de una cuestión importante porque está eminentemente relacionada con las capturas de las flotas pesqueras de la UE.
This is an important matter because it relates mainly to the catches by the EU fishing fleets.
Son cuestiones de carácter eminentemente administrativo.
These are clearly administrative issues.
Trentin se centra en políticas eminentemente nacionales, tales como la educación y el empleo.
The report by Mr Trentin particularly mentions national areas of policy, such as education and labour regulations.
Señor Presidente, he leído con gran satisfacción el texto eminentemente técnico de la Sra.
Mr President, it was with great pleasure that I read Mr Ramos ' rather technical document, which also has great political meaning for me.
El problema es eminentemente político.
This problem is first and foremost a political problem.
También agradezco los comentarios de la señora Gill, pues su contribución hace de este un informe eminentemente práctico.
I am also grateful to Mrs Gill for her comments, since her contribution makes this an extremely practical report.
Los derechos humanos constituyen un asunto eminentemente político, pero es una pena que sea objeto de divisiones partidistas.
Human rights issues are intensely political but it is a pity when they become the subject of partisan divisions.
Se trata de un punto eminentemente político.
This is an extremely political issue.
Tenemos que hacer referencia al carácter eminentemente mediterráneo de esta producción que afecta a varios Estados miembros.
I must mention the predominantly Mediterranean nature of this type of production, which affects several Member States.
Esto es un contrasentido dado el carácter eminentemente político de la OSCE como organización para la seguridad en Europa.
This is a contradiction in terms given the highly political nature of the OSCE as an organisation for security in Europe.