
"cut-and-dried" in Spanish

"cut-and-dried" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "cut-and-dried":
Context examples for "cut-and-dried" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This unusual procedure clearly shows that the issue is not cut and dried.
Este procedimiento infrecuente demuestra muy bien que la cuestión no está clara.
The scope of the citizens' initiative, however, is not yet cut and dried.
Sin embargo, el alcance de la iniciativa ciudadana todavía no se ha definido de manera definitiva.
Commissioner, I have heard many times that everything is cut and dried, but I need to see it to believe it.
Comisaria, he escuchado en diversas ocasiones que todo el asunto está preparado de antemano, pero necesito verlo para creerlo.
her election isn't cut and dried
no se puede dar por sentado que vaya a salir elegida
(DE) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, with tomorrow's vote the European driving licence will at last be cut and dried.
(DE) Señor Presidente, Señorías, con la votación de mañana, el permiso de conducir europeo quedará finalmente concretado.
Today, everything is completely cut and dried.
Las cosas son hoy muy concretas.
In that respect too, there are various experts, including Harvey Pitt and Callum McCarthy who indicate that this is certainly not that cut-and-dried.
También en este contexto hay varios expertos, entre ellos Harvey Pitt y Callum McCarthy, que indican que la cuestión desde luego no está tan clara.
However, between the fine words and noble principles expressed by the European Ombudsman and practice, things are not always so cut and dried.
Sin embargo, entre las nobles palabras y los nobles principios que expresa el Defensor del Pueblo Europeo y la práctica no siempre las cosas son tan breves y claras.
This is a danger against which the United States, under the Bush administration, has decided to take a stand, adopting a position which, although erroneous, is quite clear, quite cut and dried.
Este es un peligro contra el cual Estados Unidos, bajo el Gobierno de Bush, ha decidido tomar posición, que, aunque equivocada, es bastante clara y concreta.