
"beneficiado" in English

Sería realmente inaceptable que el sector privado se fuera a beneficiar de ello.
Indeed, it would be unacceptable if only the private sector were to benefit from it.
Debería beneficiar a todos, pero especialmente a los países en desarrollo.
It should benefit everyone, but the developing countries, in particular.
Esa dependencia tiene que beneficiar a ambas partes por medio de la reciprocidad.
This dependence must be made to benefit both parties through reciprocity.
En principio, las PYMES son las que más se pueden beneficiar de ello.
In theory the SMEs can profit most from this.
Al contrario, solo se beneficiarán los especuladores y las empresas comerciales.
On the contrary, only speculators and trading companies will profit.
o haber sido advertido [de la verdad], y haberse beneficiado de esta advertencia.
Or that he might become heedful so that the reminder should profit him?
Los Estados miembros ya se benefician de la posibilidad de acogerse a la financiación y, por tanto, no hay ninguna necesidad de ofrecer más incentivos.
The Member States already make use of the opportunity to avail of co-financing and there is no need for any further incentives.
Lituania ya se ha beneficiado también del apoyo de este Fondo.
Lithuania, too, has already taken advantage of support from this fund.
(EN) Señor Presidente, la finalidad del comercio es maximizar la prosperidad y beneficiar a ambos participantes.
Mr President, the purpose of trade is to maximise prosperity and advantage to both participants.
La maternidad debería beneficiar a las mujeres, no perjudicarlas.
Motherhood should bring advantages to women, not disadvantages.
Sería realmente inaceptable que el sector privado se fuera a beneficiar de ello.
Indeed, it would be unacceptable if only the private sector were to benefit from it.
Debería beneficiar a todos, pero especialmente a los países en desarrollo.
It should benefit everyone, but the developing countries, in particular.
Esa dependencia tiene que beneficiar a ambas partes por medio de la reciprocidad.
This dependence must be made to benefit both parties through reciprocity.
Necesitamos un compromiso genuino de transparencia y controles internos efectivos para extraer el máximo beneficio de nuestras políticas y prioridades.
We need a genuine commitment to transparency and effective internal controls in order to extract maximum benefits from of our policies and priorities.
De estas y otras formas, el vídeo inteligente hace posible lograr mayor beneficio de la infraestructura de videovigilancia y permite obtener un mayor rendimiento de la inversión.
In these and other ways, intelligent video makes it possible to extract greater benefit out of the video surveillance infrastructure, enabling a higher return-on-investment.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "beneficiado":
Context examples for "beneficiado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si el Parlamento rechaza la posición común, el proceso no saldría beneficiado.
It would not benefit this process if Parliament were to reject the common position.
La competencia saludable - que todavía existe - siempre ha beneficiado al consumidor.
Healthy competition - which already exists - has always benefited the consumer.
Digo esto como ciudadano de un país que se ha beneficiado de esta estrategia.
I say this as a citizen of a country that has benefited from this strategy.
Ésta ha beneficiado mucho a ambas partes, pero se ha vuelto notablemente desequilibrada.
Both sides have benefited from it immensely but it has become badly imbalanced.
Yo procedo de un país que se ha beneficiado de los Fondos Estructurales de la UE.
I come from a country that has benefited from the EU’s structural funds.
Si hubiera experimentado esa depreciación, se habría beneficiado del auge turístico.
If it had experienced that depreciation, it would have benefited from a tourist boom.
o haber sido advertido [de la verdad], y haberse beneficiado de esta advertencia.
Or that he might become heedful so that the reminder should profit him?
Se trata de una organización nacional que se ha beneficiado mucho del programa Daphne.
It is a national organisation which has benefited greatly from the Daphne programme.
No obstante, no creo que esto haya beneficiado a nuestros consumidores.
I do not believe, however, that this has been to the benefit of our consumers.
Hoy rendimos homenaje a un siglo de lucha y de éxito que nos ha beneficiado a todos.
Today, we pay homage to a century of struggle and of success that has benefited us all.
Ha beneficiado a la Unión, junto con sus Estados miembros y a Europa en su conjunto.
It has benefited both the Union, together with its Member States, and Europe as a whole.
Estos programas han beneficiado a Kirguizstán y, en una medida algo menor, a Tayikistán.
These programmes have benefited Kyrgyzstan and to a more limited extent, Tajikistan.
Europa, como sabemos, se ha beneficiado enormemente del comercio internacional.
Europe, as we know, has benefited greatly from international trade.
Es evidente que los precios se han reducido y que esto ha beneficiado a las compañías aéreas.
It is clear that prices have fallen and that airlines have benefited from that.
Hasta ahora se han beneficiado muy poco de los programas propuestos por la Comisión.
Hitherto, they have derived little benefit from the programmes proposed by the Commission.
El proceso de paz en Irlanda se ha beneficiado enormemente del presupuesto de la UE.
The peace process in Ireland has benefited hugely from the EU budget.
Estos países se han beneficiado pródigamente de su pertenencia a la UE.
These countries have benefited handsomely from their membership of the EU.
(PL) Señor Presidente, quizás sea Rusia la que más se ha beneficiado de la crisis financiera.
(PL) Mr President, Russia has perhaps benefited the most from the financial crisis.
Mi circunscripción se ha beneficiado considerablemente del programa KONVER.
My constituency has benefited considerably from the KONVER programme.
Las propuestas del CEF se han beneficiado significativamente de la aportación de mis servicios.
The EFC's proposals have benefited significantly from the input of my services.