
"to become huge" in Spanish

"to become huge" in Spanish

Context examples for "to become huge" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The European Union, Europe, will become one huge Disneyland for organised crime.
La Unión Europea, Europa, se convertirá en un gigantesco Disneyland para la delincuencia organizada.
The UCITS Directive has become a huge brand globally.
La Directiva OICVM se ha convertido en una importantísima marca global.
No wonder Mr Cameron’s pledge to leave the PPE-DE Group has become such a huge joke.
Con razón la pretensión del señor Cameron de abandonar el Grupo del PPE-DE se ha convertido en un chiste tan grande.
No wonder Mr Cameron’ s pledge to leave the PPE-DE Group has become such a huge joke.
Con razón la pretensión del señor Cameron de abandonar el Grupo del PPE-DE se ha convertido en un chiste tan grande.
It could become one huge oil container.
Podría convertirse en un enorme recipiente de petróleo.
Aung San Suu Kyi has to be given freedom to prepare the future of this country that has become a huge prison with invisible bars.
La liberación de Aung San Suu Kyi se impone para preparar el futuro de este país que se ha convertido en una inmensa prisión de barrotes invisibles.
Finally, faced with an enlargement to cover the whole of Europe, we need to strengthen our political unity in view of the risk that the European Union might become just a huge free trade area.
Finalmente, la ampliación a todo el espacio europeo obliga a cristalizar la unión política frente al peligro de una posible reconversión de la Unión Europea en una gran zona de libre cambio.