
"who's there?" in Spanish

"who's there?" in English

Context examples for "who's there?" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the attitude of the person who starts out on the road of return to the Father.
arrepentido, que es la de quien se pone en el camino del retorno al Padre (...).
Ernest Siekierka (who is also the General Delegate for the Foundation), and Br.
Ernesto Siekierka (que también es el Delegado general para la Fundación) y fr.
So is the case with the French and the Socialists who were their cheerleaders.
Ese es el caso de los franceses y de los socialistas que fueron sus abanderados.
It was the Tories, who, through their ludicrous beef war, escalated the crisis.
Fueron los tories los que, con su absurda guerra del vacuno, agravaron la crisis.
Then there is the think tank of independent experts who provide us with the ideas.
Además, contamos con un equipo de expertos independientes que nos aportan ideas.
Anyone who does not recognize this has no right to talk about human rights at all.
Quien no reconozca este derecho, pierde el derecho a hablar de derechos humanos.
Who can be certain that a young woman of 18 is ready to make such a decision?
Se trata de una grave vulneración de los derechos más fundamentales de la mujer.
attitude which shares in the love of the Father, who wishes that all should come
consiste en participar en el amor del Padre, que quiere que todos los hombres
attitude implies in contrast to the attitude of those who want a child at all
comporta y que contrasta con la de aquellos que en cambio quieren el hijo a todo
It is we Members of this House who must do what our governments are failing to do.
Continúan negándole un juicio justo con observadores internacionales presentes.
figures of consecrated life, religious and secular, who have served the Church
grandes figuras de los consagrados, religiosos y seglares, que han servido a la
behaviour on the part of everyone, particularly people, who in every country and
por parte de todos y, en particular, de esas personas que en todos los países
Tedros Abraha OFM Cap from Eritrea who is a lecturer in Biblical theology in Rome.
Tedros Abraha, OFMCap., de Eritrea, quien es docente de Teología Bíblica en Roma.
It is most important that we do that: every person who is executed is one too many.
Es muy importante que lo hagamos porque una persona ejecutada ya son demasiadas.
Put an end to this democratic deficit now, and also listen to those who voted ‘no’.
Acaben con este déficit democrático ahora, y escuchen a los que han votado «no».
Therefore, I strongly disagree with those in the House who deny climate change.
Por tanto, discrepo abiertamente con los diputados que niegan el cambio climático.
It is young people who, today, will create the growth and innovation of tomorrow.
Son los jóvenes de hoy los que generarán el desarrollo y la innovación del mañana.
Are those of you in this House who are calling for eurobonds prepared for that?
¿Están preparados para ello los que piden en esta Cámara las euroobligaciones?
There are those who put forward arguments designed to alarm our female citizens.
Hay quienes avanzan argumentos destinados a alarmar a nuestras conciudadanas.
As a group, we must congratulate MrRack, who carried out a very difficult task.
Como Grupo, debemos felicitar al Sr. Rack, que realizó una labor muy difícil.