
"been there" in Spanish

"been there" in English

Context examples for "been there" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I can fully support the compromise that has been negotiated with the Presidency.
Puedo apoyar plenamente el compromiso que ha sido negociado con la Presidencia.
I hope, therefore, that this sitting will at least have been useful in two ways.
Por lo tanto, espero que esta sesión al menos haya resultado útil de dos maneras.
There were two regulations, one of which has already been adopted by this House.
Existen dos reglamentos, uno de los cuales ya ha sido aprobado por esta Asamblea.
What has been said about the need to adapt instruments is by no means gratuitous.
No es gratuito lo que se ha dicho sobre la necesidad de adaptar los instrumentos.
With regard to access to credit, a great deal has been done, but we can do more.
Con respecto al acceso al crédito, se ha hecho mucho, pero se puede hacer más.
In the Netherlands, much attention has been focused on the fate of Cor Disselkoen.
En los Países Bajos, se ha prestado mucha atención al devenir de Cor Disselkoen.
Significant and positive changes have been made since the Taliban were ousted.
Desde que se derrocó a los talibanes, ha habido cambios importantes y positivos.
Madam President, I understand that the report by Mr Katiforis has been accepted.
Señora Presidenta, entiendo que el informe del Sr. Katiforis ha sido aceptado.
Mr President, much attention has been given to the matter we are working on today.
Señor Presidente, se ha prestado mucha atención al expediente que hoy nos ocupa.
Questions concerning this case have already been put to the Council in the past.
Sobre este caso ya se había formulado alguna pregunta al Consejo con anterioridad.
Mr President, I have been a Member of the European Parliament for 15 months now.
Señor Presidente, soy diputado del Parlamento Europeo desde hace quince meses.
But in these countries religious tensions have been used for political purposes.
Pero las tensiones religiosas han sidos usadas en esos países con fines políticos.
Various factors that increase the risk of neonatal infection have been identified.
Se identificaron diversos factores que aumentan el riesgo de infección neonatal.
At the same time, we recognise that there has been some movement in this area.
Al mismo tiempo, reconocemos que en este terreno se han hecho algunos progresos.
How great is the damage which has already been caused to the European economy?
¿De qué magnitud es el daño que se ha causado hasta ahora a la economía europea?
The response of the international community until very recently has been pathetic.
La respuesta de la comunidad internacional hasta hace muy poco ha sido patética.
We have been conducting this debate as part of the Green Paper on maritime policy.
Este debate se ha mantenido en el marco del Libro Verde sobre política marítima.
The accession negotiations with Croatia have, until recently, been going well.
Hasta ahora, las negociaciones de adhesión con Croacia se han desarrollado bien.
We all know there has been massive industry pressure on this piece of legislation.
Todos sabemos que el sector ha ejercido una enorme presión sobre esta normativa.
These civil servants ought already to have been hired in the first half of 2006.
Estos funcionarios ya deberían haber sido contratados en la primera mitad de 2006.