
"we are even" in Spanish

"we are even" in English

Similar translations for "we are even" in Spanish
Context examples for "we are even" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There is a whole range of dossiers on which we have even regressed somewhat.
Hay toda una serie de expedientes que incluso constituyen más bien un retroceso.
We cannot even take for granted that it exists where people have sworn to uphold it.
Ni siquiera podemos dar por hecho que existe cuando la gente ha jurado defenderla.
We need even better cooperation with the Commission and even better coordination.
Necesitamos aun mejor colaboración con la Comisión, aun mejor coordinación.
I believe that we have even made clear who, how and when these must be recognised.
Creo que hemos dejado incluso claro quién, cómo y cuándo deben reconocerse.
Now we are making progress, and I think that perhaps we are even moving faster.
Ahora estamos avanzando. Pienso que quizás avanzamos incluso más deprisa.
We could even ask ourselves whether we need a European directive in this field at all.
Cabe preguntarse incluso si hace falta una directiva europea en este terreno.
We have even achieved concessions on reverse qualified majority voting.
Incluso hemos logrado concesiones en la votación por mayoría cualificada inversa.
Unfortunately, we cannot even introduce them as official languages in our committees.
Por desgracia aún no podemos introducirlas en nuestros órganos como lenguas oficiales.
Yes, we are even experiencing a renaissance of the so-called 'old economy'.
En efecto, estamos experimentando el renacimiento de la denominada "antigua economía".
If we cannot even do it in our own Parliament, we should not preach to others.
Si ni siquiera podemos hacerlo en nuestro Parlamento, no deberíamos predicar a los demás.
Moreover, it is something that we cannot even have tested in the EU's supreme court.
Además, esto ni siquiera podemos someterlo al tribunal supremo de la UE.
We cannot even ensure their protection, let alone that of the Albanians they are observing.
No se garantiza su protección, no digamos ya la de los observadores albaneses.
I believe that, one day, we might even decide to stop eating animal meat.
Creo que en el futuro podríamos decidir incluso no consumir más carne de origen animal.
So we have even more consensus now than we had at the beginning of this debate.
Así que ahora contamos con un mayor consenso que el que teníamos al principio de este debate.
We can even talk about incentives in this regard, and that is obviously a positive thing.
Podemos hablar incluso de incentivos en este sentido y eso es obviamente algo positivo.
In Brussels, however, we are even denied the illusion of security.
En Bruselas, al contrario, nos deniegan incluso la ilusión de que estamos a salvo.
We have even given a bit of a push, through the progress made on administrative silence ...
Hemos incluso dado un empujoncito, a través del avance del silencio administrativo...
Perhaps we will even experience something of this from the human side with property funds.
Quizás entonces experimentaremos algo de este lado humano de los fondos inmobiliarios.
We therefore have to get a move on if we are even to have temporary agreements in place.
Por tanto, tenemos que dar un impulso si queremos contar al menos con acuerdos temporales.
We cannot even guess at the number of immigrants who were not caught.
No podemos ni imaginar el número de inmigrantes que no fueron detenidos.