
"volver a pedir" in English

"volver a pedir" in English
to reorder{v.t.} (goods, supplies)

Context examples for "volver a pedir" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, comprenderán que voy a volver a pedir un recuento de quórum, pero pienso que es evidente que no hay suficientes miembros presentes.
Mr President, you will understand that I would like the quorum to be checked, but I think that there are clearly not enough people present.
Ahora, ENEL tiene la intención de acabar de construir la planta sin volver a pedir permiso de edificación y sin que se haya comprobado el cumplimiento de las normas de la Unión Europea.
Now ENEL intends to finish building the plant without new planning permission and without having the plans checked for compliance with European standards.