
"to manage to" in Spanish

"to manage to" in Spanish

Similar translations for "to manage to" in Spanish
Context examples for "to manage to" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Why should our friends in Greece, Portugal and Ireland not manage to deal with it?
¿Por qué nuestros amigos en Grecia, Portugal e Irlanda no deberían conseguirlo?
However, the European authorities manage to be more vocal towards other regimes.
Sin embargo, las autoridades europeas se muestran más críticas con otros regímenes.
We must be self-critical and admit that we did not manage to adopt the resolution.
Debemos ser autocríticos y reconocer que no conseguimos adoptar la resolución.
It is up to each individual country to manage the way in which film is regulated.
Pertenece a cada país individual gestionar la manera en que se regula una película.
We must offer as much cooperation as we can manage in the foreseeable future.
Debemos ofrecer tanta cooperación como podamos gestionar en el futuro previsible.
We just manage less and less often to convert these ideas into real products.
Lo que ocurre es que cada vez menos convertimos esas ideas en productos reales.
This task is difficult enough, and I hope that we will manage to do it successfully.
Esta tarea es complicada de por sí, y espero que podamos gestionarla con éxito.
I hope that someone will manage to convey Parliament's message to them by then.
Espero que alguien pueda transmitirles el mensaje del Parlamento antes de esa fecha.
However, will the Council manage to live up to European, democratic values?
¿Pero podrá el Consejo estar a la altura de los ideales europeos y democráticos?
We will probably not be able to manage without European sanctions in the long term.
Probablemente no podremos conseguir esto sin sanciones europeas a largo plazo.
This is my answer: ‘The topic of the future is how to manage these processes’.
Mi respuesta es la siguiente: «El tema del futuro es cómo gestionar estos procesos».
possibilities of meaning, or does not manage to converge around certain values
ya las supremas posibilidades de significado, o no logra la convergencia en
But how are we going to manage to show more solidarity with the same amount of money?
¿Pero cómo vamos a lograr demostrar una mayor solidaridad con los mismos importes?
It would appear, though, that the best we are likely to manage is an increase to 8%.
No obstante, parece que lo máximo que vamos a conseguir es un aumento hasta el 8%.
On the Domain Control Panel page, on the Manage Domain menu, click Host Records.
En la página Domain Control Panel, en el menú Manage Domain, haga clic en Host Records.
But for the time being I would still hope that we manage to reach an agreement.
Pero de momento aún abrigo esperanzas de que logremos alcanzar un acuerdo.
Europe should not get over ambitious by trying to manage public health policy.
Europa no tiene que extralimitarse intentando controlar la política de salud pública.
However, the European Union needs to be able to manage and integrate these migrants.
No obstante, la Unión Europea necesita poder gestionar e integrar a estos migrantes.
The Council just cannot manage to make an assessment and take decisions.
Ocurre que el Consejo no es capaz de realizar una evaluación y tomar decisiones.
Will you manage to make the vital link between the environment and transport?
¿Va a lograr interrelacionar el medio ambiente y el transporte de un modo vinculante?