
"humor" in Spanish

"humor" in Spanish
"humor" in English
Be careful with humor and emotion.
Tenga cuidado con el humor y las emociones.
Sarcastic humor is particularly risky because the recipient might interpret it literally and take offense.
El humor sarcástico es especialmente arriesgado porque el destinatario puede interpretarlo literalmente y sentirse ofendido.
deadpan humor
tipo de humor caracterizado por la inexpresividad deliberada del humorista
humor(also: humour)
humorismo{m} (cualidad)
humour{noun} [Brit.]
Alguien que no tenga sentido del humor podría llegar a pensar que se trata de un insulto.
Someone with no sense of humour might even think it was insulting.
Marimon por su paciencia y buen humor.
Of course we all wish to thank Mr Marimón for his patience and good humour.
Debo decir que tiene usted sentido del humor, señor Henderson.
I must say, you have quite a sense of humour, Mr Henderson.
humor{noun} [Amer.]
Tenga cuidado con el humor y las emociones.
Be careful with humor and emotion.
El humor sarcástico es especialmente arriesgado porque el destinatario puede interpretarlo literalmente y sentirse ofendido.
Sarcastic humor is particularly risky because the recipient might interpret it literally and take offense.
tipo de humor caracterizado por la inexpresividad deliberada del humorista
deadpan humor
Me sorprendió mucho el humor reinante y el entusiasmo de los jóvenes.
I was very struck by the mood there and by the enthusiasm of the young people.
Existen 92 síntomas, pero entre ellos se encuentran la hiperactividad y los trastornos del humor.
There are 92 symptoms, but among them are hyperactivity and mood irregularities.
Su enfoque ilustra el cambio de humor, tono, actitud y de la esencia de su Gobierno en Europa.
His approach exemplifies the change of mood, tone, attitude and substance of your government to Europe.
temper{noun} (mood)
Hubo ocasiones en que, solo gracias a él, conseguí mantener mi buen humor.
There were times when he enabled me to keep my good temper.
No se trata en este momento de un problema de mal humor expresado por la Liga Árabe.
This is not a matter of Arab League bad temper.
la oferta pareció ponerlo de mejor humor
the offer seemed to sweeten his temper

Context examples for "humor" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he's rather boring but he has a saving sense of humor
es algo aburrido pero se salva por su sentido del humor
he's rather boring but he has a saving sense of humor
es algo aburrido pero su sentido del humor lo salva
his famous sense of humor was conspicuously absent
su famoso sentido del humor brilló por su ausencia
British humor doesn't travel well
el humor británico resulta difícil de entender en el extranjero
deadpan humor
tipo de humor caracterizado por la inexpresividad deliberada del humorista
her saving grace is her sense of humor
lo que la salva es que tiene sentido del humor
he successfully balances humor and suspense
dosifica muy bien el humor y el suspense
there is a good deal of humor in the play
hay una buena dosis de humor en la obra
some flashes of that old black humor
algunos lamparazos de ese viejo humor negro
his sense of humor is his saving grace
solo se salva por su sentido del humor
he has a warped sense of humor
tiene un sentido del humor bastante retorcido
there's a smattering of humor in the play
hay una pizca de humor en la obra
a comedy spiked with black humor
una comedia salpicada de humor negro
his good humor never deserts him
nunca lo abandona el buen humor
to add a touch of humor
para agregar una nota de humor
a robust sense of humor
un saludable sentido del humor
a subtle sense of humor
un fino sentido del humor
I can't see the humor in it
no le veo la gracia
his perennial good humor
su perenne buen humor
to be in good humor
estar de buen humor