
"stoning to death" in Spanish

"stoning to death" in Spanish
Subject: Halting the stoning-to-death of Nigerian mother Safiya Yakuba Hussaini
Asunto: Impedir la lapidación de la madre nigeriana Safiya Yakuba Hussaini
He asked me whether stoning to death was in the Koran.
Me preguntó si la muerte por lapidación estaba en el Corán.
I am thinking, in this regard, of stoning to death in Iran.
Pienso, a este respecto, en la muerte por lapidación en Irán.

Context examples for "stoning to death" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Furthermore, I recently heard that Afghanistan has no plans to abrogate the Sharia Criminal Code, including stoning to death for adultery.
Además, he oído recientemente que Afganistán no tiene intención de derogar el código penal de la sharia, que incluye apedrear a las mujeres hasta la muerte por adulterio.