
"veta" in English

"veta" in English
tiene una veta violenta
there's a vicious streak in him
tiene una veta mezquina
she has a mean streak
veta(also: veteado)
grain{noun} (pattern)
en el sentido de la veta de la madera
with the grain of the wood
a lo largo de la veta
along the grain
strain{noun} (streak)
debe ser esa veta romántica suya
it must be the romantic strain in him
veta(also: filón)
vein{noun} (of ore, mineral)
vein{noun} (in marble, cheese)
lode{noun} [geol.]
seam{noun} [geol.]
veta de carbón
coal seam
band{noun} [min.]
reef{noun} [min.]
Como Estado miembro de la UE, Chipre tiene derecho a vetar las negociaciones y la adhesión.
As an EU Member State, Cyprus has the right to veto negotiations and membership.
Ha elegido vetar medidas europeas a lo largo de un amplio espectro.
They have chosen to veto European actions across a wide spectrum.
Esto significa que un solo país puede vetar una decisión.
This means that one single country can veto a decision.

Context examples for "veta" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
debe ser esa veta romántica suya
it must be the romantic strain in him
en el sentido de la veta de la madera
with the grain of the wood
tiene una veta violenta
there's a vicious streak in him
En cuarto lugar, si se veta la propuesta en el Consejo de Seguridad, deberíamos apoyar el desarrollo del Derecho internacional regional.
The fourth step is that, if the Security Council is blocked by a veto, we should support the development of regional international law.
tiene una veta mezquina
she has a mean streak
a lo largo de la veta
along the grain
Turquía lo veta.
Turkey bans him.
veta de carbón
coal seam