
"to trivialize" in Spanish

trivial{adj. m/f}
Secondly, the directive is not meant to protect trivial software.
En segundo lugar, la directiva no pretende proteger el software trivial.
European bus measurements may seem a trivial matter, but it is no such thing.
La dimensión de los autobuses europeos puede parecer un tema trivial, pero éste no es el caso.
I want to re-endorse the fact that this is not a trivial issue.
Quiero volver a reiterar que no se trata de un tema trivial.
insignificante{adj. m/f}
Antiziganism must not be regarded as or remain a trivial offence, but must be punished as a crime.
El antiziganismo no se debe considerar ni permanecer como una infracción insignificante, sino que debe castigarse como un delito.
Firstly, the three issues left over from Amsterdam are by no means trivial matters.
En primer lugar, los tres asuntos que quedaron pendientes en Amsterdam, los llamados left overs, no son, en absoluto, insignificantes.
The wilful and negligent handling of food and feed must not be punished with trivial penalties.
La manipulación deliberada y negligente de alimentos y piensos no debe ser castigada con sanciones insignificantes.
Due to the lack of distinction between a law and a regulation at European level, the European Parliament is already forced to spend a considerable amount of time on trivial issues.
El Parlamento Europeo ya se ve obligado, debido a la inexistencia de la distinción ley/reglamento en el plano europeo, a dedicar un tiempo considerable para ocuparse de cuestiones fútiles.
Due to the lack of distinction between a law and a regulation at European level, the European Parliament is already forced to spend a considerable amount of time on trivial issues.
El Parlamento Europeo ya se ve obligado, debido a la inexistencia de la distinción ley/ reglamento en el plano europeo, a dedicar un tiempo considerable para ocuparse de cuestiones fútiles.
So this is not a trivial matter.
Por lo tanto, no es un tema baladí.
This is not a trivial issue.
Éste no es un tema baladí.
This characterises a debate that has not been easy, because the adoption of the Community patent is not a trivial issue.
Estos datos jalonan un debate que ha sido difícil, porque adoptar esta patente comunitaria no es cuestión baladí.
futil{adj.} [poet.]
Due to the lack of distinction between a law and a regulation at European level, the European Parliament is already forced to spend a considerable amount of time on trivial issues.
El Parlamento Europeo ya se ve obligado, debido a la inexistencia de la distinción ley/reglamento en el plano europeo, a dedicar un tiempo considerable para ocuparse de cuestiones fútiles.
Due to the lack of distinction between a law and a regulation at European level, the European Parliament is already forced to spend a considerable amount of time on trivial issues.
El Parlamento Europeo ya se ve obligado, debido a la inexistencia de la distinción ley/ reglamento en el plano europeo, a dedicar un tiempo considerable para ocuparse de cuestiones fútiles.
intrascendente{adj.} (comentario)
It then often only needs something trivial to tighten the noose.
En esos casos solo falta algo banal para apretar el nudo.
This is not a trivial question.
La pregunta no es banal.
Its operation cannot be prevented for trivial reasons such as the colour of a fire extinguisher or the size of the wing mirror.
Su utilización no se podrá impedir por motivos banales como el color de los extintores o el tamaño de los espejos laterales.
We have been here all morning dealing with some very trivial amendments.
Llevamos toda la mañana debatiendo sobre algunas enmiendas muy nimias.
It is not a trivial matter.
No es una cuestión nimia.

Synonyms (English) for "trivial":
Context examples for "to trivialize" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, I would not like to conclude this debate without offering my hearty congratulations to the Commissioner for his marvellous ability to trivialize this topic.
Señor Presidente, no quisiera que terminara este debate sin que constara mi profunda felicitación al Sr. Comisario por su tremenda habilidad para frivolizar sobre este tema.