
"banalizar" in English

"banalizar" in English
banalizar{transitive verb}
banalizar{transitive verb}

Context examples for "banalizar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No se puede simplificar, no se puede banalizar; hay que ir al fondo de la cuestión.
The issue must not be simplified or trivialised; it has to be examined in depth.
Caer en esa tentación sería banalizar la fe.
To fall into this latter temptation risks banalizing the faith.
Sería banalizar las cosas si pasara por alto las otras vertientes en las que necesitamos más, no menos, Europa.
I would be trivialising matters if I were to overlook the other areas in which we need more, not less, Europe.
Internet se presta bien a propagar la plaga, porque no sólo aumenta la potencia de su distribución sino que amenaza con banalizar el delito.
The distribution of child pornography is facilitated by the Internet. Not only is the scale of distribution magnified, but there is a risk of the offence being trivialised.
Segundo: debe tenerse cuidado de no desvalorizar o banalizar la expresión " Constitución europea " y es preciso que los miembros de la Convención sean valientes e innovadores en su papel.
Secondly, we need to be careful not to undervalue or trivialise the term 'European Constitution ', and the members of the Convention need to be courageous and innovative in their role.