
"teasing" in Spanish

her constant teasing roused him to fury
sus constantes burlas lo enfurecieron
zumbón{adj.} (burlón)
to come on, stop teasing
hombre, no seas burlón
Mr President, I want to express my admiration for what I thought was a stylish and rather teasing address from Mr Roche on whether there has really been considerable movement on the IGC issues.
– Señor Presidente, quiero expresar mi admiración por la intervención elegante y algo burlona del Sr. Roche respecto de si realmente se han movido las cuestiones de la CIG.
cargar[cargando · cargado] {v.t.} [SAm.] [coll.] (tomar el pelo a)
vacilar[vacilando · vacilado] {v.t.} [Spa.] [coll.]

Synonyms (English) for "teasing":
Context examples for "teasing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I don't mind teasing, but she takes it too far
no me importa que me tomen el pelo, pero ella se pasa
don't pay any attention to her, she's only teasing
no le hagas caso, te está tomando el pelo
he just smiled good-naturedly at their teasing
respondió a sus bromas sonriendo afablemente
he takes great delight in teasing his sister
se deleita haciendo rabiar a su hermana
don't take any notice, he's only teasing
no le hagas caso, te está tomando el pelo
her constant teasing roused him to fury
sus constantes burlas lo enfurecieron
to come on, stop teasing
hombre, no seas burlón
The rapporteur has done tremendous work in teasing out the issues and presenting, certainly within my group, a very clear position.
La ponente ha realizado una labor extraordinaria desmenuzando los temas y presentando, ciertamente en el seno de mi Grupo parlamentario, una postura muy nítida.
The four-month time frame that we have in Parliament at second reading did not allow a proper teasing-out of exactly what was in the Commission's mind.
El plazo de cuatro meses que tenemos en el Parlamento para la segunda lectura no ha permitido llegar a conocer qué pensaba exactamente la Comisión.
The debate to which each country contributes with its unique sensitivity, traditions and culture is a medium for teasing them out, defining and affirming them.
El debate, al que cada a Estado contribuye con su propia sensibilidad, tradición y cultura, es el vehículo para que afloren, para definirlos y afirmarlos.