
"sit-ups" in Spanish

"sit-ups" in Spanish
sit-ups(also: abs)
to do sit-ups
hacer abdominales
to up{transitive verb}
We really need to up our particular contribution in that regard.
Realmente tenemos que aumentar nuestra aportación particular en este sentido.
That is why it is a mistake to move the money level as such up and down.
Por ello es un error aumentar y disminuir de este modo el nivel de financiación.
It is also essential to step up controls and put an end to unfair competition.
Hay que aumentar el control y erradicar la competencia desleal.
He is sitting there, all you have to do is walk up to the public gallery and you can see him.
Está allí; sólo tiene que subir a la tribuna; puede reunirse con él.
Because visitors cannot get up they are using the lifts to go down to -2 and then back up again.
Como los visitantes no pueden subir, están usando los ascensores para bajar a -2 y después volver a subir.
To Mr Schulz I would say: turning up the volume is no substitute for knowing the facts.
Al señor Schulz le diría: subir el volumen no es conocer los hechos.
We really need to up our particular contribution in that regard.
Realmente tenemos que aumentar nuestra aportación particular en este sentido.
That is why it is a mistake to move the money level as such up and down.
Por ello es un error aumentar y disminuir de este modo el nivel de financiación.
It is also essential to step up controls and put an end to unfair competition.
Hay que aumentar el control y erradicar la competencia desleal.
Would you explain how you think we can make up the delay?
¿Quiere usted explicar cómo se puede superar este retraso?
The European Union has a great challenge to take up: equal opportunities for all.
La Unión Europea tiene un gran desafío que superar: la igualdad de oportunidades para todos.
The 'road map' was supposed to take up this challenge and is in a doubly strong position to do so.
Se suponía que la Hoja de Ruta iba a superar este desafío. Cuenta para ello con dos bazas.
You can add those locations to the index to speed up future searches.
Puede agregar dichas ubicaciones al índice para acelerar futuras búsquedas.
If it proves possible to bring that date forward, we are willing to try to up the pace.
Si es posible adelantar esa fecha, estamos dispuestos a tratar de acelerar el ritmo.
It is up to the industry to accelerate that search for validated alternatives.
Corresponde a la industria acelerar esta búsqueda de alternativas validadas.

Context examples for "sit-ups" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
to do sit-ups
hacer abdominales