
"shortness of breath" in Spanish

"shortness of breath" in Spanish
shortness of breath
falta de aire
shortness of breath
dificultad para respirar

Synonyms (English) for "shortness of breath":
Context examples for "shortness of breath" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Overall shortness of breath towards the end of life is still difficult to treat.
En general, la disnea hacia el final de la vida todavía es difícil de tratar.
We aimed to determine which non-drug methods relieve shortness of breath and which are the most effective.
Se intentó determinar qué métodos no farmacológicos alivian la disnea y cuáles son los más efectivos.
In extreme cases, which are rare, the fluid may fill the chest area leading to shortness of breath.
La albúmina humana se utiliza para ayudar a reponer el volumen sanguíneo con urgencia y puede ayudar a prevenir el SHEO.
Shortness of breath is a common and distressing symptom in incurable cancer and some other illnesses at the end of life.
La disnea es un síntoma frecuente e invalidante en el cáncer incurable y algunas otras enfermedades al final de la vida.
There are several non-drug methods available to relieve shortness of breath in incurable stages of cancer and other illnesses.
Hay varios métodos no farmacológicos disponibles para aliviar la disnea en los estadios incurables del cáncer y otras enfermedades.
shortness of breath
dificultad para respirar
shortness of breath
falta de aliento
shortness of breath
falta de aire
Symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue improved significantly with hawthorn treatment as compared with placebo (WMD -5.47, 95% CI -8.68 to -2.26, n = 239).
Síntomas como disnea y fatiga mejoraron significativamente con el tratamiento con espino en comparación con el placebo (DMP -5,47; IC del 95%: -8,68 a -2,26; n = 239).
Acute exposure to the allergen causes mast cells to release chemicals (such as histamine) causing itching, sneezing, blocked nose, wheezing, shortness of breath and cough.
La exposición aguda al alergeno hace que los mastocitos liberen moléculas (como la histamina) que causan prurito, estornudos, congestión nasal, sibilancias, dificultad respiratoria y tos.