
"relevar" in English

Si fuera una persona, en Dinamarca se diría que se ha equivocado hasta tal punto que su despido era inevitable; de hecho, hemos relevado al Presidente de la CECA.
Normally in Denmark we would say to people who made such a fool of themselves, as in this case, that one was forced to fire them. We also removed the former leader of the Coal and Steel Union.
Podríamos relevar a nuestros propios ministros, pero nunca podremos votar nuevas leyes.
We could replace our own ministers, but we can never vote for new legislation via elections.
Por lo tanto, necesitamos, a nuestro nivel, contar con una herramienta que pueda servir de relevo a esta fuerza combatiente.
What we need, therefore, at our level is an instrument to replace this militant force.
Tengo la esperanza de que el Fondo Monetario Internacional no quiera tomar el relevo a Al Qaeda.
I cherish the hope that the IMF does not want to replace al-Qaeda.
relevar a algn
to take over from sb
La Comisión prepara actualmente un plan de trabajo para la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres que tomará el relevo de la estrategia marco a partir de 2007.
The Commission is currently preparing a roadmap for equality between men and women, which will take over from the framework strategy starting in 2007.
La UE actúa correctamente al tomar el relevo de la OTAN, un hecho que demuestra de forma convincente nuestra firme disposición a desempeñar funciones de seguridad más amplias.
It is right for the EU to take over from NATO and a convincing demonstration that we are serious about playing a larger security role.
relevar[relevando · relevado] {transitive verb}
relevar la guardia
to relieve the guard
También le releva de su puesto por la recomendación del presidente.
It also relieves him from his post upon the recommendation of the president.
Espero que podamos discutir seriamente los recursos, especialmente los que se necesitarán para relevar con fuerzas policiales a las tropas que hemos tenido en Bosnia.
We hope to be able to have a serious discussion on the appropriations required, particularly for the EU to be able to deploy a new police force in Bosnia to relieve the troops we have had there.
relevar a algn de algo
to exempt sb from sth

Synonyms (Spanish) for "relevar":
Context examples for "relevar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Podríamos relevar a nuestros propios ministros, pero nunca podremos votar nuevas leyes.
We could replace our own ministers, but we can never vote for new legislation via elections.
La subsidiariedad no significa, de ningún modo, relevar a los Estados miembros de sus responsabilidades.
Needless to say, subsidiarity does not mean that the Member States are released from their responsibilities.
Entre los polysaccharides, los glucans son a relevar aqu� como agentes ayudando a reducir el colesterol y tambi�n como immunostimulante.
Amongst the polysaccharides glucans should be mentioned as cholesterol-lowering and immuno-stimulating agents.
relevar a algn de algo
to exempt sb from sth
relevar la guardia
to relieve the guard
relevar la guardia
to change the guard
relevar a algn
to take over from sb
Hemos oído decir al Presidente de la Comisión que una fuerza comunitaria de mantenimiento de la paz va a relevar, con mucha probabilidad, a las tropas de la OTAN en Skopje, esta semana.
We heard the President of the Commission say that a European Union peacekeeping force will most probably take over the role of the NATO force in Skopje this week.
Espero que podamos discutir seriamente los recursos, especialmente los que se necesitarán para relevar con fuerzas policiales a las tropas que hemos tenido en Bosnia.
We hope to be able to have a serious discussion on the appropriations required, particularly for the EU to be able to deploy a new police force in Bosnia to relieve the troops we have had there.