
"mad rush" in Spanish

"mad rush" in Spanish
mad rush{noun}
corredora{f} [Ven.] [coll.] (ajetreo)

Context examples for "mad rush" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
there's a mad rush on to meet the deadline
estamos trabajando como locos tratando de terminar a tiempo
For this reason, body scanners are being introduced in a mad rush as if they were a miracle cure.
Por esta razón, los escáneres corporales se están introduciendo con una prisa disparatada como si fueran una cura milagrosa.
Let us make use of the enhanced cooperation in the Treaty, without a mad rush that could detract from and prevent its consolidation.
Valgámonos de la cooperación reforzada del Tratado, sin prisas enloquecidas que la desvirtúen e impidan su consolidación.
European solidarity required clear, set rules which must be determined before the crisis arises and not in a mad rush once it is already underway.
La solidaridad europea necesita reglas fijas y unívocas que han de definirse antes de que estalle la crisis, no cuando ésta ya se haya manifestado en toda su virulencia.