
"in an attempt to" in Spanish

"in an attempt to" in Spanish
in an attempt to{preposition}
a fin de{prp.}
in an attempt to
a fin de
We must not intervene in the markets every time the prices change in an attempt to combat natural fluctuations.
No debemos intervenir en los mercados cada vez que cambian los precios a fin de intentar luchar contra las fluctuaciones naturales.
All we have done is to make an attempt to give you sound advice as best we could, with the best of intentions, and in many cases we have succeeded in doing just that.
Se ha hecho solamente un esfuerzo bienintencionado y, a menudo, con éxito a fin de asesorarles lo mejor posible.

Similar translations for "in an attempt to" in Spanish
Context examples for "in an attempt to" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The rapporteur's reports have been a genuine attempt to improve that proposal.
Los informes de los ponentes han sido un sincero intento de mejorar la propuesta.
An attempt is made to translate the judgments made by the Court in Luxembourg.
Se ha intentado interpretar un poco las sentencias del Tribunal de Luxemburgo.
activities of governments or other public authorities which attempt to limit in
todas aquellas actividades de los gobiernos o de otras autoridades públicas,
Yet here we are, with yet another centralised attempt to set the world to rights.
Y henos aquí de nuevo en otro intento centralizado más de arreglar el mundo.
Nevertheless it is an attempt to ensure that there is a fund there for the future.
Sin embargo, se trata de un intento de asegurar que existe un fondo para el futuro.
It was an attempt to impose upon the people of Europe something they did not want.
Ha sido un intento de imponer a los ciudadanos europeos algo que no querían.
I am all the more alarmed by the attempt to establish new discriminatory conditions.
Me alarma sobre todo el intento de establecer nuevas condiciones discriminatorias.
Every attempt must be made to prevent another genocide on the continent of Africa.
Hay que hacer todo lo posible para impedir otro genocidio en el continente africano.
There is no attempt to imply any particular significance in any of those subjects.
No se pretende que alguno de estos temas implique una importancia especial.
For this reason, we have to attempt to secure democracy and stability there.
Por eso tenemos que tratar de garantizar la democracia y la estabilidad allí.
It is right that we should make a new attempt to spread the Community Ecolabel further.
Es correcto que intentemos de nuevo extender la etiqueta ecológica comunitaria.
It is no wonder that many attempt to leave Burma as they have no other option.
No es de extrañar que muchos intenten abandonar Birmania ya que no tienen otra opción.
It is not appropriate for him to attempt, for political reasons, to attack the Dutch ...
No es correcto que, por motivos políticos, trate de atacar a los neerlandeses...
This is not the first attempt by the rebels and the government to come to an agreement.
No es la primera vez que los rebeldes y el Gobierno intentan llegar a un acuerdo.
In my opinion, you should not attempt to persuade Parliament to change its position.
En mi opinión, no debe tratar de convencer al Parlamento para que cambie su postura.
We would certainly wish to reflect on any attempt to radically change it.
Querríamos, sin duda, desacreditar cualquier intento de cambiarlo radicalmente.
I regret the attempt by the car industry lobby to discredit the EEVC tests.
Lamento el intento de la industria automovilística de desacreditar las pruebas EVC.
It would be arrogance to attempt to sum up the Copenhagen Summit in two minutes.
Sería arrogante intentar resumir la Cumbre de Copenhague en dos minutos.
Naturally the substructure of this attempt can only be the younger generation.
Como es lógico ese esfuerzo debe estar dirigido a las nuevas generaciones.
Rejecting this attempt to quash the British opt-out would be a good place to start.
Rechazar este intento de anular el opt-out británico sería una buena forma de empezar.