"ill conceived" in Spanish
It lies with those who speak ill of Europe, and who do so simply because they are afraid.
Está en los que hablan mal de Europa y en quienes lo hacen porque, sencillamente, tienen miedo.
So, frankly, all of these questions are ill-informed and tendentious.
Por lo tanto, francamente, todas estas cuestiones parten de una base mal informada y tendenciosa.
For every ill, there is now a human right.
Para cualquier mal existe actualmente un derecho humano.
There never seems to be an ill wind that cannot blow the European Union some good.
No parece haber nunca un mal que por bien no venga para la Unión Europea.
This is deliberate exploitation and ill-treatment of animals and should be taken into account as well.
Es una explotación deliberada y un mal trato de animales que debería también tenerse en cuenta.
Overall, MrBonde’s amendments have to be characterised as ill thought-out.
En general, las enmiendas del señor Bonde deben considerarse mal planteadas.
Patrick Kelly is gravely ill and his health continues to deteriorate.
Patrick Kelly está gravemente enfermo y su salud sigue empeorando.
Václav Havel is gravely ill and has been hospitalised.
El señor Havel está gravemente enfermo y se encuentra hospitalizado.
He is currently very ill and is not receiving attention.
Actualmente está muy enfermo y carece de asistencia médica.
Sadly, she is ill and is only slowly recovering.
Desgraciadamente está enferma, pero ya se está recuperando, aunque con lentitud.
It transpired that Mrs Aelvoet was ill, and so was unable to be here either yesterday or today.
Aelvoet estaba enferma, y que por lo tanto no podía estar presente ni ayer ni hoy.
Dolly the Sheep died ill and malformed.
La oveja Dolly murió enferma, deforme.
We fear that they have been subjected to ill-treatment during their detention.
Nos tememos que puedan sufrir malos tratos durante su detención.
Children who have suffered ill-treatment are not taken into care.
El establecimiento no se hace cargo de los niños que habrían sufrido malos tratos.
Mr President, 'We end today a period of ill fortune and India discovers herself again.
Señor Presidente, «Aquí termina el período de mala suerte y la India se encuentra de nuevo a sí misma.
This initiative is sensible and necessary, but it has been ill-conceived.
Esta iniciativa es sensata y necesaria, pero está mal concebida.
At present, we are just dressing up savings products in a very ill-defined way.
Actualmente no hacemos más que disfrazar productos de ahorro de manera muy mal definida.
It is consistently overworked and often ill-briefed.
Está constantemente desbordada de trabajo y mal preparada.
Similar translations for "ill conceived" in Spanish
to conceiveverb
Context examples for "ill conceived" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In my opinion, the entire independence process is hasty and ill-conceived.
En mi opinión, todo el proceso de independencia es precipitado y está abocado al fracaso.
incentives are often ill-conceived;
incentivos económicos a veces desordenados;
We do not want a quick, ill-conceived reaction to events that have taken place in my country and the announcement made by the British Government.
No queremos una reacción precipitada y poco meditada respecto a los acontecimientos que han tenido lugar en mi país y el anuncio que ha hecho el Gobierno británico.
This is why we did not lend our support to vague and ill-conceived orders that, more than anything, serve to make us forget that we have in fact made a huge mistake.
Esta es la razón por la que no hemos avalado vagas e informes exhortaciones que sirven sobre todo a hacer olvidar que nos hemos equivocado torpemente.
However, the rapporteur - perhaps through an excess of zeal - has produced some proposals which are well-intentioned, but possibly ill-conceived, and which do not correspond to the real needs.
Sin embargo, la ponente -tal vez en un exceso de celo- ha realizado propuestas bien intencionadas, pero tal vez no acertadas y que no corresponden a la realidad de las necesidades.
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